
Author Topic: [SOLVED] Getting Error Message on Photo Uploads (XHR returned response code 500)  (Read 23953 times)


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Re: Getting Error Message on Photo Uploads (XHR returned response code 500)
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2016, 12:14:16 am »
The following solved my problem ..


While this is an excellent plugin, you didn't solve anything (you and others). Just a work-around.


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sure it is just a work around.


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The following solved my problem ..

Thankyou, I´m having the same problem.... hope it works.


  • Newbie
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  • Posts: 27
I recently encountered this error.
The error disappeared after I installed ImageMagick-imagick and php5, without having to add other plugin.
Perhaps the information will be very helpful to someone else


  • Newbie
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  • Posts: 29
I recently encountered this error.
The error disappeared after I installed ImageMagick-imagick and php5, without having to add other plugin.
Perhaps the information will be very helpful to someone else

I did all the things here from this post, and I ended up undoing them all, nothing worked, so I read your comment.

Yes that helped me, thank you very much, I will leave details here to help someone, because I came across this error and worked on it in the past 5 hours.

I have php 7.0-fpm, before I had php5-fpm that my server auto updated via virtuamin, without me knowing, so I ran out of magick.

sudo apt-get install php-imagick     //this installs imagick for php 7.0, install for your version do not know if it is the same, try

então editei o arquivo:

and I added this line, I put comment with my name on everything I do on the server, to find all the changes I made, change 1 change 2 etc ...:


então reiniciei os serviços:

service php7.0-fpm restart
service apache2 restart

I hope my comment helps someone as well.

Did you help me with your comment! Thank you.