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Support forums => General help => 3.6.x => Topic started by: theinvisible on December 19, 2016, 11:22:14 am

Title: Indexing of manual pages in search engines[Solved]
Post by: theinvisible on December 19, 2016, 11:22:14 am
How to index the manual pages created using admin dash in search engines? Pages like contact, about etc. I need that pages too indexed in search engines? How can i make that happen with robots.txt?
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 19, 2016, 11:38:46 am
No need to do anything, if the pages are available from your Osclass website, they will be indexed.

There are not ? It takes some time to get crawled and indexed, depending on your site authority in the eyes of Google.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 21, 2016, 01:07:25 pm
I don't think so. Because these pages are not there in the sitemaps generated. And i checked it with some private search engine crawler and the pages are not crawled and  indexed in that.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 01:37:23 pm
I don't think so. Because these pages are not there in the sitemaps generated. And i checked it with some private search engine crawler and the pages are not crawled and  indexed in that.

Sitemaps are not needed for Classifieds because of the nature of ads. Sitemaps could help for deep nested pages that can't easily be found by crawlers.

BUT Osclass manual pages are on home, so nothing to worry about. If they are not indexed, then you have an other problem.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 21, 2016, 02:43:28 pm
I don't think so. Because these pages are not there in the sitemaps generated. And i checked it with some private search engine crawler and the pages are not crawled and  indexed in that.

Sitemaps are not needed for Classifieds because of the nature of ads. Sitemaps could help for deep nested pages that can't easily be found by crawlers.

BUT Osclass manual pages are on home, so nothing to worry about. If they are not indexed, then you have an other problem.

Can you please check my site? Because i don't find these pages in google search
url is https://goo.gl/QuVrZ2 (https://goo.gl/QuVrZ2)
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 03:15:39 pm
I did. Most of your ads are indexed (some new are not but this is normal). So you are ok.

Your static pages About and Contact for example are not. How old are those pages ?

Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 03:20:31 pm
Can anyone PLEASE check the following is he runs a OSclass website ?

Check if About and Contact static (manual) pages are Indexed in google ? How to check ? Hover your site About or Contact, copy the link and paste it in Google search. If the EXACT page is returned then the page IS Indexed.

And let us know pls.

(because MY manual pages are also NOT indexed)
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: SmaRTeY on December 21, 2016, 03:31:21 pm
Hi Aficionado,

following your instructions I also do NOT see my contact / about pages on top nor in the other google results.
Interesting issue, will see if I can find a reason....

P.s. I am still on 3.6.1

Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 03:33:02 pm
Hi Aficionado,

following your instructions I also do NOT see my contact / about pages on top nor in the other google results.
Interesting issue, will see if I can find a reason....


Hi there Eric !!

Yes this is rather strange, i can't find anything wrong in those pages BUT for some reason they are NOT indexed in all search engines. And i do have some 5600+ indexed ads in Google Webmaster info.

Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 03:34:09 pm
I don't think so. Because these pages are not there in the sitemaps generated. And i checked it with some private search engine crawler and the pages are not crawled and  indexed in that.

Stay tuned, we will solve this.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 21, 2016, 03:55:12 pm
Hi Aficionado,

following your instructions I also do NOT see my contact / about pages on top nor in the other google results.
Interesting issue, will see if I can find a reason....

P.s. I am still on 3.6.1


You guys don't know this? OMG! I knew about this since a long time. I have search engine crawler php script. When i crawled my site with that i saw my static pages in the statistics but they are omitted from indexing due to rules in robot.txt something like that. I don't remmeber what exactly was, but i'm trying to recrawl it and i will post a screenshot if i get that once again.

Thanks for the support guys
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 04:01:19 pm

You guys don't know this? OMG! I knew about this since a long time. I have search engine crawler php script. When i crawled my site with that i saw my static pages in the statistics but they are omitted from indexing due to rules in robot.txt something like that. I don't remmeber what exactly was, but i'm trying to recrawl it and i will post a screenshot if i get that once again.

Thanks for the support guys

Well, since i saw no errors in my google webmaster account, how should i (we) know ?

I don't think it is a robot.txt issue.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 21, 2016, 04:01:49 pm
I did. Most of your ads are indexed (some new are not but this is normal). So you are ok.

Your static pages About and Contact for example are not. How old are those pages ?

Both pages are 2 years old
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 21, 2016, 04:08:53 pm
I'm attaching a screenshot. check this. Its something with meta tags. Am i right?
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 04:17:20 pm
It seems OsclassWizards theme puts

Code: [Select]
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />
<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />

in those pages.

Bender also. Why ? It is beyond me.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 21, 2016, 04:21:18 pm
It seems OsclassWizards theme puts

Code: [Select]
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />
<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />

in those pages.

Bender also.

That i don't know. I'm not coding geek. I want those static and some other pages like user registration and login, also popular search patterns to be indexed. I'm attaching screenshots.
When u guys found a way, lemme know.

Note: Osclasswizards is a fork of bender. They told me. They altered the original code of bender and created osclasswizards free theme.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 04:36:42 pm
For the moment, go to Theme's


and rem-out like this

Code: [Select]
// osc_add_hook('header','osclasswizards_nofollow_construct');
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 04:40:26 pm
Once again this shows how poor is the very-basic SEO rules of Osclass.

Why in the WORLD apply noindex to all manual pages like About, Contact etc etc.

Still remember a post from OSclass team 3 years ago, about some "team" of SEO experts that will review and fix Osclass. Never happened. We are now in 2017 almost. Go figure.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: SmaRTeY on December 21, 2016, 04:56:46 pm

I took a look at the code and this is what Bender shows in functions.php:
Code: [Select]
        * Hook for header, meta tags robots nofollos
        function bender_nofollow_construct() {
            echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />' . PHP_EOL;
            echo '<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />' . PHP_EOL;


I am not 100% sure but I THINK that the second line is what is causing googlebot from skipping the website?
The first line tells robots what subfolders not to index and should be left alone (or improved is this is causing the skip of manual pages), is correct and removing that will let Google also index all other files which is something you do not want for security reasons.

Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 04:58:57 pm
What puzzles me is this kind of page, not a manual page. Why it is also tagged with NO-everything ?

Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 05:01:15 pm

I took a look at the code and this is what Bender shows in functions.php:
Code: [Select]
        * Hook for header, meta tags robots nofollos
        function bender_nofollow_construct() {
            echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />' . PHP_EOL;
            echo '<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />' . PHP_EOL;


I am not 100% sure but I THINK that the second line is what is causing googlebot from skipping the website?
The first line tells robots what subfolders not to index and should be left alone (or improved is this is causing the skip of manual pages), is correct and removing that will let Google also index all other files which is something you do not want for security reasons.


I think better just remove this from page.php of Bender (and other Bender-based themes).

Code: [Select]
    // meta tag robots
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: SmaRTeY on December 21, 2016, 05:13:37 pm
Well, there is a thought of preventing certain pages form being indexed/crawled to keep those private. Also there can be reason not to index ad pages in case the ads get deleted before the index is updated which would cause ending up with a 404 not found page.
In the end it is a personal choice I think together with some security in mind. I do think SEO can be improved in Osclass yet there also is a commercial plugin available in Market. In the end besides the Bender theme all other theme creators have their own responsibility in making their themes as SEO friendly as possible not only Osclass for this matter.

What puzzles me is this kind of page, not a manual page. Why it is also tagged with NO-everything ?
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: SmaRTeY on December 21, 2016, 05:14:30 pm
That will certainly get all the bots visiting, indexing and showing your website pages :)

EDIT: Before I forget, the robots'txt file in website root folder also directs robots how to go about indexing/crawling.
https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062608?hl=en (https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062608?hl=en)

With this in mind it seems that removing the lines you mention will save page building time and only robots.txt would be used by bots still keeping certain files 'private'. With this in mind I also wonder why the metatags are used as well....


I took a look at the code and this is what Bender shows in functions.php:
Code: [Select]
        * Hook for header, meta tags robots nofollos
        function bender_nofollow_construct() {
            echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />' . PHP_EOL;
            echo '<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />' . PHP_EOL;


I am not 100% sure but I THINK that the second line is what is causing googlebot from skipping the website?
The first line tells robots what subfolders not to index and should be left alone (or improved is this is causing the skip of manual pages), is correct and removing that will let Google also index all other files which is something you do not want for security reasons.


I think better just remove this from page.php of Bender (and other Bender-based themes).

Code: [Select]
    // meta tag robots
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 05:17:14 pm
That will certainly get all the bots visiting, indexing and showing your website pages :)

I think better just remove this from page.php of Bender (and other Bender-based themes).

Code: [Select]
    // meta tag robots

No i think this is only for static manual pages.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 05:20:28 pm
Well, there is a thought of preventing certain pages form being indexed/crawled to keep those private. Also there can be reason not to index ad pages in case the ads get deleted before the index is updated which would cause ending up with a 404 not found page.
In the end it is a personal choice I think together with some security in mind. I do think SEO can be improved in Osclass yet there also is a commercial plugin available in Market. In the end besides the Bender theme all other theme creators have their own responsibility in making their themes as SEO friendly as possible not only Osclass for this matter.

I disagree. I'm talking about the very-very basic seo that all scripts should follow. Proper titles tags everywhere for example. Proper Descriptions everywhere since GOOGLE use descriptions (no matter some crappy seo experts say). Things like that.

Take a look at Wordpress. It is almost basic-seo ready out of the box. Sure, if you want more, there are several plugins. But not needed imho.

Still, i don't understand why HIDE some manual static pages like About, Contact etc. I don't get it at all.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: SmaRTeY on December 21, 2016, 05:30:00 pm
A quick scan using Boxer theme shows:
contact.php / page.php and search.php as well as all user pages

EDIT: meaning only remove the hook from contact.php and page.php unless you also want all user related pages to be indexed/crawled

That will certainly get all the bots visiting, indexing and showing your website pages :)

I think better just remove this from page.php of Bender (and other Bender-based themes).

Code: [Select]
    // meta tag robots

No i think this is only for static manual pages.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: SmaRTeY on December 21, 2016, 05:32:50 pm
We agree Aficionado; "I do think SEO can be improved in Osclass" and I also have some questionmarks here.
BUT, removing the hook will make search engines only use the robots.txt, that is if you have it.

Well, there is a thought of preventing certain pages form being indexed/crawled to keep those private. Also there can be reason not to index ad pages in case the ads get deleted before the index is updated which would cause ending up with a 404 not found page.
In the end it is a personal choice I think together with some security in mind. I do think SEO can be improved in Osclass yet there also is a commercial plugin available in Market. In the end besides the Bender theme all other theme creators have their own responsibility in making their themes as SEO friendly as possible not only Osclass for this matter.

I disagree. I'm talking about the very-very basic seo that all scripts should follow. Proper titles tags everywhere for example. Proper Descriptions everywhere since GOOGLE use descriptions (no matter some crappy seo experts say). Things like that.

Take a look at Wordpress. It is almost basic-seo ready out of the box. Sure, if you want more, there are several plugins. But not needed imho.

Still, i don't understand why HIDE some manual static pages like About, Contact etc. I don't get it at all.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 21, 2016, 05:53:05 pm
Eric nice catch about the contact.php.

As for users, are you sure, since users profiles seem indexed .... Or you mean something else ?
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: SmaRTeY on December 21, 2016, 07:24:15 pm
Well, I noticed that many user-xxx.php files also contain the add_hook... but I didn't check the public user profile specificly. If you see the profiles indexed that php file will not contain the hook, the other user related files do make sense not to be indexed/crawled.

Eric nice catch about the contact.php.

As for users, are you sure, since users profiles seem indexed .... Or you mean something else ?
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 22, 2016, 01:13:24 pm
A quick scan using Boxer theme shows:
contact.php / page.php and search.php as well as all user pages

EDIT: meaning only remove the hook from contact.php and page.php unless you also want all user related pages to be indexed/crawled

That will certainly get all the bots visiting, indexing and showing your website pages :)

I think better just remove this from page.php of Bender (and other Bender-based themes).

Code: [Select]
    // meta tag robots

No i think this is only for static manual pages.

User profiles are indexed i think, Eric. check this screenshot.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: SmaRTeY on December 22, 2016, 09:44:16 pm

not sure if that would be the public profile.
For Bender the following files are using the no construct hook (see attachment).


Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 23, 2016, 07:04:48 am
So what do u guys suggesting me to do? I want my manual pages and popular searches pages indexed in google and other search engines.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: tito on December 23, 2016, 01:48:05 pm
What i changed was on page.php only this:

Code: [Select]
// osc_add_hook('header','osclasswizards_nofollow_construct');

Code: [Select]
// osc_add_hook('header','osclasswizards_follow_construct');
And my pages are indexed bij searchengines

Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 23, 2016, 02:24:32 pm
What i changed was on page.php only this:

Code: [Select]
// osc_add_hook('header','osclasswizards_nofollow_construct');

Code: [Select]
// osc_add_hook('header','osclasswizards_follow_construct');
And my pages are indexed bij searchengines

Your change has no effect since the whole PHP line is commented-out (DISABLED).

A simple // is enough.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 23, 2016, 02:25:51 pm
So what do u guys suggesting me to do? I want my manual pages and popular searches pages indexed in google and other search engines.

Just rem-out that line from pages.php and contact.php. For manual pages.

Now, what you mean "popular searches" ? Searches in general should not be indexed.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: tito on December 23, 2016, 06:33:19 pm
you are right Aficionado
I didnt comment out, just copied to fast from earlier reply

the code i use in php is this without //:

Code: [Select]
And all pages like contact, privacy and terms and conditions are indexed bij google, bing and yahoo

Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 24, 2016, 05:40:31 am
So what do u guys suggesting me to do? I want my manual pages and popular searches pages indexed in google and other search engines.

Just rem-out that line from pages.php and contact.php. For manual pages.

Now, what you mean "popular searches" ? Searches in general should not be indexed.

Popular searches are shown in attachments
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 24, 2016, 11:16:23 am
I don't think that those with "search" in the url, should be indexed...
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 27, 2016, 08:10:30 am
I removed the lines from page.php and contact.php
I think i should do this if i update my theme. am i right?
Do i need to edit this pages after updating osclass to new versions? Sorry for the late reply. i was out of station.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on December 30, 2016, 03:18:35 pm
I removed the line from contact.php and page.php. But still i can't see my pages in google. Anybody know the reason?
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on December 30, 2016, 04:15:44 pm
I removed the line from contact.php and page.php. But still i can't see my pages in google. Anybody know the reason?

Probably you are not indexed yet. Can take some time, depending of how popular is your site (in the eyes of google). My ads are indexed by google around a week or 10 days after posted.

Google doesn't LIKE classified ads site, mind you. Because of THIN content. Simple as that.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on January 02, 2017, 03:42:43 pm
I removed the line from contact.php and page.php. But still i can't see my pages in google. Anybody know the reason?

Probably you are not indexed yet. Can take some time, depending of how popular is your site (in the eyes of google). My ads are indexed by google around a week or 10 days after posted.

Google doesn't LIKE classified ads site, mind you. Because of THIN content. Simple as that.

Google Indexed it. Thank you guys. One question not answered is do i need to remove this line each time update my theme?
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on January 02, 2017, 03:57:51 pm

Google Indexed it. Thank you guys. One question not answered is do i need to remove this line each time update my theme?

Yes you must.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on January 02, 2017, 04:27:39 pm
Thank you. Please make a way in osclass to correct these kind of problems.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Aficionado on January 02, 2017, 05:22:35 pm
Thank you. Please make a way in osclass to correct these kind of problems.

I wish i could. Osclass dev team have their own agenda. One of the negative things about Osclass script. We have no saying in future development.
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines[Solved]
Post by: theinvisible on January 03, 2017, 02:36:06 pm
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines[Solved]
Post by: mrtsoftware on January 25, 2018, 11:20:58 am
I could not understand properly what should be removed from page.php , Here code below inside page.php...
Can you please mark which one / line will be removed...



    // meta tag robots

    osc_current_web_theme_path('header.php') ;
<h1><?php echo osc_static_page_title(); ?></h1>
<?php echo osc_static_page_text(); ?>
<?php osc_current_web_theme_path('footer.php') ; ?>

Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines[Solved]
Post by: theinvisible on January 29, 2018, 01:11:04 pm
Code: [Select]
osc_add_hook('header','osclasswizards_nofollow_construct'); with

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines[Solved]
Post by: m6mmi on March 11, 2018, 07:03:59 pm
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: Mark FAZ on November 26, 2018, 11:06:50 am
How to solve that 'noindex' issue
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines
Post by: theinvisible on November 26, 2018, 12:24:50 pm
How to solve that 'noindex' issue

Goto you themes folder.

/oc-content/themes/"folder with theme name"/page.php

it is based on what theme you use.

which is the them you are using?
Title: Re: Indexing of manual pages in search engines[Solved]
Post by: Mark FAZ on February 13, 2019, 07:39:10 am
OsclassWizards 2.0.4 by OsclassWizards