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Support forums => General help => 3.7.x => Topic started by: theinvisible on May 02, 2017, 07:17:08 pm

Title: Inactive & spam users [solved]
Post by: theinvisible on May 02, 2017, 07:17:08 pm
I want to stop these bots from registering to my website. Everyday so many user accounts are getting registered. I tried ban rules, But it is is not easy to ban every domain,subdomain or ip addresses. Please help. I'm attaching a screenshot of my spam users who registered today.
Title: Re: Spam users
Post by: Aficionado on May 04, 2017, 02:33:09 pm
What is the harm done ? Do they post ads ? If not, why do you care ?
Title: Re: Spam users
Post by: theinvisible on May 04, 2017, 02:38:00 pm
Why should i need non human user accounts in my mail list?
Title: Re: Spam users
Post by: theinvisible on May 04, 2017, 02:39:43 pm
What is the need of google recaptcha or email verifications in registration page if bots are registering?
Title: Re: Spam users
Post by: Aficionado on May 04, 2017, 02:40:53 pm
Why should i need non human user accounts in my mail list?

Your post says "SPAM USERS", are they spam user or not?

If they do not post spam, they are not. So wrong post and title.

If your concern is inactive users, you can find a way to delete (mass) if they don't post ads or not logged on for a long time.

Title: Re: Spam users
Post by: Aficionado on May 04, 2017, 02:44:42 pm
What is the need of google recaptcha or email verifications in registration page if bots are registering?

Bots are attracted by your site apparently. Bots can't bypass google recaptcha.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 04, 2017, 02:45:40 pm
I edited my post title. Now tell me a way to delete the inactive users other than by manually deleting them.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Aficionado on May 04, 2017, 02:47:00 pm
I edited my post title. Now tell me a way to delete the inactive users other than by manually deleting them.

Non activated users can be deleted with Butler plugin. Activated but inactive should be deleted using a special sql query or something.

Title: Re: Spam users
Post by: theinvisible on May 04, 2017, 02:47:34 pm
What is the need of google recaptcha or email verifications in registration page if bots are registering?

Bots are attracted by your site apparently. Bots can't bypass google recaptcha.

If they are not bots, please tell me why they are creating so many user accounts. I delete them everyday and i'm fed up with this.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Aficionado on May 04, 2017, 02:49:07 pm
I edited my post title. Now tell me a way to delete the inactive users other than by manually deleting them.

Title: Re: Spam users
Post by: Aficionado on May 04, 2017, 02:50:57 pm
What is the need of google recaptcha or email verifications in registration page if bots are registering?

Bots are attracted by your site apparently. Bots can't bypass google recaptcha.

If they are not bots, please tell me why they are creating so many user accounts. I delete them everyday and i'm fed up with this.

How should i know ? Post your url and maybe we can help more.

I think you spend time for a non-existent problem.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 04, 2017, 02:58:39 pm
I don't know why u can't understand things i'm saying. What i'm saying is ' I want my site protected from these inactive user accounts registered with some random mail id's and i don't want to delete my users who not logged in recently. I also don't want to delete inactive ads.'

I just want a solution for https://forums.osclass.org/3-7-x/register-spam-check/ (https://forums.osclass.org/3-7-x/register-spam-check/)

Just want to block these domains and subdomains
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 05, 2017, 12:13:47 am
Hi. I'm confused.... if your ReCAPTCHA is working and the bots are not stopped by it.....then ReCAPTCHA is useless.

I have a phorum and I resolved the bots problem by puting a gramar question besides the verfication code. For example.
Write the predicate of this sentence. And the answer should be the first word.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Aficionado on May 05, 2017, 12:27:32 am
Hi. I'm confused.... if your ReCAPTCHA is working and the bots are not stopped by it.....then ReCAPTCHA is useless.

ReCaptcha is working all over the world just fine. Those are not bots apparently. And Osclass Ban rules work for me just fine also.

That is why i said that it is not clear what is happening.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 05, 2017, 01:07:08 am
I hope you are right... and the man has good luck to receive many new real users in a short period of time....because if ReCAPTCHA doesn't stop bots... its a big problem.

A second case would be some mean people registering on purpose fake users.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 05, 2017, 02:35:00 am
take a look in your database if this accounts registered from same ip or ip-range... if it is, you could forbid registering a new account from the same ip if there is already another one

i think about it, but i could add this check to my spam protection
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 05, 2017, 07:46:11 am
u guys take a look. my url is https://goo.gl/FhkzMn (https://goo.gl/FhkzMn)

Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 05, 2017, 07:53:44 am
take a look in your database if this accounts registered from same ip or ip-range... if it is, you could forbid registering a new account from the same ip if there is already another one

i think about it, but i could add this check to my spam protection

most of them have different ips'..
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 05, 2017, 07:59:11 am
A second case would be some mean people registering on purpose fake users.

There is a chance for that. As you said people are trying to make fake user accounts on purpose. And i want to end it.
Is there any way for doing that?
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 05, 2017, 08:04:35 am
the only what you could do is to use some protection which disallow registering from particular email hoster... but you couldn't ban big hoster like gmail, it is used to often, also by regular user

if they are using different ip's there isn't any chance to use this, but i can disallow registering for selected email hoster in my plugin
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 05, 2017, 10:52:40 am
the only what you could do is to use some protection which disallow registering from particular email hoster... but you couldn't ban big hoster like gmail, it is used to often, also by regular user

if they are using different ip's there isn't any chance to use this, but i can disallow registering for selected email hoster in my plugin

Is there a way to block all emails other than from gmail.com, yahoo.com, outlook.com and live.com ?
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Aficionado on May 05, 2017, 10:59:25 am
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 05, 2017, 06:14:07 pm
Instead of bloking email host, you could delete unactivated user accounts with inactive period of 2 days for example, with a cron job, daily for example.
Don't ask me about the script, it's just an ideea.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 07, 2017, 11:57:00 am
A second case would be some mean people registering on purpose fake users.

There is a chance for that. As you said people are trying to make fake user accounts on purpose. And i want to end it.
Is there any way for doing that?

It just occured to me.
For example,  I've set the site to let only signed-in users to contact via message a seller.
Isn't this your case also? This would explain the activated registered users without adds, however not the unactivated ones.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 09, 2017, 03:28:46 pm

I think this could partially solve my problem.
But there are people uses gmail accounts and not activated the accounts.

Anyway thanks Aficionado
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Aficionado on May 09, 2017, 03:30:42 pm

I think this could partially solve my problem.
But there are people uses gmail accounts and not activated the accounts.

Anyway thanks Aficionado

NON Activated accounts can be deleted daily (or whetever you set it for) automatically using BUTLER free plugin.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 09, 2017, 03:34:52 pm

How can i edit the message displayed to the users telling them to activate the account by email?
where can i change the display message?

Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 09, 2017, 08:52:57 pm

How can i edit the message displayed to the users telling them to activate the account by email?
where can i change the display message?

In my case the file messages.po from oc-content/languages/en_US folder contains:

Code: [Select]
#: oc-includes/osclass/controller/register.php:68
msgid "The user has been created. An activation email has been sent"
msgstr ""

I think that if you put

Code: [Select]
#: oc-includes/osclass/controller/register.php:68
msgid "The user has been created. An activation email has been sent"
msgstr "Your text here"

and generate the .mo file with poedit, it should work.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 10, 2017, 02:35:54 pm

In my case the file messages.po from oc-content/languages/en_US folder contains:

Code: [Select]
#: oc-includes/osclass/controller/register.php:68
msgid "The user has been created. An activation email has been sent"
msgstr ""

I think that if you put

Code: [Select]
#: oc-includes/osclass/controller/register.php:68
msgid "The user has been created. An activation email has been sent"
msgstr "Your text here"

and generate the .mo file with poedit, it should work.

I tried it, but nothing happened. Can you tell me the exact steps to do it? I tried to edit it with notepad++ and then compiled it with poedit.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 10, 2017, 11:23:10 pm
I use my site in other than english language, and if I edit my language messages.po file (EDIT with notepad or other text editor, code editor from cpanel) and then download it to my computer and open it with poedit (in ubuntu), then  save it, the messages.mo file is generated in the same folder as the messages.po file is on my computer. Then I upload to my server the .mo file, overwriting the existing one. In 3.7.1 it works just fine.

Now, the msgid value from below, is an ID that gets replaced with the msgstr value if the language is not english. I don't know a reason why it shouldn't work with english also, on the same principle.

Code: [Select]
#: oc-includes/osclass/controller/register.php:68
msgid "The user has been created. An activation email has been sent"
msgstr ""

The msgid value is found in:

Code: [Select]
osc_add_flash_ok_message( _m('The user has been created. An activation email has been sent'));
NOTE! If you change the msgid in register.php, and you use your site in other than english language also, you should modify the msgid in all the messages.po and .mo files of the other languages.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 10, 2017, 11:31:57 pm
Editing the *.po with other editors then poedit is not the best at all, it can corrupt the file... why you dont edit it with poedit before compiling?

but yes, when you load any *.po file and save it, the *.mo will be saved in the same folder
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 10, 2017, 11:40:38 pm
Thank you for that info about the possibility of damaging the file.
Anyway I get an error:
warning: header field 'Language' missing in header

when saving the po file with poedit, even if I open the .po file that comes with the download package of osclass 3.7.1

The same error is showing after I edit the .po file with the code editor from cpanel.

But the functionality is not affected by this.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 11, 2017, 12:54:19 am
try to set language in catalog settings...
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 11, 2017, 09:47:45 am
I don't understand. How can i edit using poedit? Tell me the steps to do it.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 12, 2017, 10:14:01 am
Another fake user using gmail. He tried to create so many accounts in my site.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 12, 2017, 11:09:27 am
it is so simple...
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 12, 2017, 11:10:52 am
Another fake user using gmail. He tried to create so many accounts in my site.
you could try my plugin spam protection, now there i have added registration checks... but for now it isn't available on osclass market
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 10:53:47 am
it is so simple...

I don't want to translate. I wants to add some extra lines to my original message.
How can i do that?
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 10:54:36 am
Another fake user using gmail. He tried to create so many accounts in my site.
you could try my plugin spam protection, now there i have added registration checks... but for now it isn't available on osclass market

Thanks Liath. Will try that.. where can i download it??
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 11:50:43 am

I don't want to translate. I wants to add some extra lines to my original message.
How can i do that?
open the *.po file for your language and enter the complete text you want to show there

Thanks Liath. Will try that.. where can i download it??
the newest version isn't published in market place now and i'm not allowed to post any download link here, but you can find "some" hints, where you can find it in the thread for the plugin

or you wait for the official version in osclass market place
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 12:25:12 pm

open the *.po file for your language and enter the complete text you want to show there

I want to edit the source text.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 13, 2017, 12:51:46 pm
Attach here your messages.po file and I'll try to give you the messages.mo file edited with your text.

Another ( brutal ) way would be for you to edit the php file in which the msgid is used. You have the path in messages.po(if you view it with a text editor.).
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 12:55:56 pm
po files not supported here
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 13, 2017, 01:00:45 pm
 Do a backup of messages.po and messages.mo.
If you have cpanel, edit messages.po and save it.
Download, open and save with poedit the messages.po file previously modified with code editor in cpanel.
(I'm curious if the error regarding same language will still apear. If yes, then the brutal php file edit is the only way. If not, you are lucky).

If you don't have cpanel, leave your email and I'll contact you.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 01:10:45 pm
I edited in cpanel like this. Am i doing right?
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 13, 2017, 01:14:57 pm
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 01:16:30 pm
you can easily save the po file and ignore the warnings... make a backup of your original mo file and upload the new... it should work

you dont need to edit the source text, this is used as translation string, the translation will be shown on your page
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 01:18:41 pm
Do i need to compile it??? Or just saving it is enough??
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 13, 2017, 01:20:12 pm
Ctrl-s is enough.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 01:34:25 pm
after saving the po, the compiled mo is generated automatically in the same directory
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 01:35:08 pm
did that and uploaded the messages.mo file and tried to register again.
Still i don't get what i wanted.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 01:38:02 pm
is this message from your theme or osclass core? which file did you used for "translation"?

if this didn't work, the only way would be, to modify the theme/core files and change the translation string, only then you could change the source text
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 01:39:39 pm
i'm sorry, i have no idea. I am using osclasswizards free theme and osclass version 3.7.3
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 13, 2017, 01:43:52 pm
i'm sorry, i have no idea. I am using osclasswizards free theme and osclass version 3.7.3

Write to us the path to the messages.po file you worked with.
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 01:45:15 pm
i'm sorry, i have no idea. I am using osclasswizards free theme and osclass version 3.7.3

Write the path to the messages.po file you worked with.

oh sorry, is that what he meant?

Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 13, 2017, 01:47:41 pm
Yes.It seems ok. Try registering with chrome in stealth/private/incognito mode( ctrl-shift-n)
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 13, 2017, 01:56:19 pm
Liath, what do you think? Should he modify the theme messages.po /mo files as well?
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 01:57:19 pm
i did it on exactly that way i told before...
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 02:01:42 pm
Liath, what do you think? Should he modify the theme messages.po /mo files as well?
The best way to solve this is like i told before...

then try again
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 02:16:59 pm
Still nothing
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 02:18:29 pm
maybe a dumb question, but you're sure that you are using language en_US? xD
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 02:19:06 pm
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6ouCJP1CFwgVkdVLWFXV2R1ZlE (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6ouCJP1CFwgVkdVLWFXV2R1ZlE)

drive link to messages.po
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 02:20:26 pm
maybe a dumb question, but you're sure that you are using language en_US? xD

Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: marius-ciclistu on May 13, 2017, 02:21:25 pm
Liath.Is it posible for his theme to use the messages files from the theme language file?
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 02:22:47 pm
Liath.Is it posible for his theme to use the messages files from the theme language file?
idk if the theme would overwrite the core...

i can't find any translated string in this file... you're sure to translated it and saved it properly?
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 02:27:39 pm
Ahh... you have translated the wrong string...
try this
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 02:47:18 pm
thank liath.. that one made it.

Anyway what was my mistake??
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: Liath on May 13, 2017, 02:52:32 pm
Ahh... you have translated the wrong string...
Title: Re: Inactive users
Post by: theinvisible on May 13, 2017, 02:58:10 pm
oh.. now i found it.. Thank you guys for the help..
Title: Re: Inactive & spam users [solved]
Post by: pravin on June 06, 2018, 02:21:35 pm
I have the same problem.Did you find any solution for that? I am newbie & not a web programmer.
My problem is:
I want to signups only from gmail.com,yahoo.com,ymail.com,y7mail.com,live.com,outlook.com etc.I have also added a note on website about that only signup with these email.

I received about 10 new user registered to my osclass website(version 3.7.4) everyday, which i know it is spam user.I have got 7000+ such users now which didn't validated their a/c -also not posted any listing.

Is there any option to block their email, beside using recaptcha ?

I have blocked this email (*@163.com,*@hotmail.com, *@aol.com, *@mail.ru,*@discard.email,*@discardmail.com,*@discardmail.de,*@spambog.com,*@spambog.de,*@spambog.ru,*@0815.ru,*@hulapla.de,*@s0ny.net)

But i still have new users using that emails( @163.com,@mail.ru ,etc)

I have done User Settings as:
-Settings are Users enabled
-Anyone can register
-Users need to validate their account
-Only logged in users can post listings
-Logged in users don't need to validate their listings
I haven't enabled-"Show reCAPTCHA in add/edit listing form "
Is there any option to accept only signups from gmail.com,yahoo.com,ymail.com,live.com etc?
With regards,
Title: Re: Inactive & spam users [solved]
Post by: theinvisible on June 06, 2018, 07:33:18 pm
@pravin  Did you even tried to read this thread?? Because the solution is in there.. first do some effort and then ask questions if you can't find the solution.  ;)