Copy the language switch code from footer and paste it in the header, cause the user profile description gets blank after save when editing, but it have saved to the database as it was shown in the public profile page, just can't see it the profile page.
If the language switch code is removed, the description comes back as normal.
NOTE: There are not problems with the language switcher itself, it works fine for its job when placing the code in the header.
/* Below is the code copied from the footer.php
----------------------------------------------------- */
<?php if ( osc_count_web_enabled_locales() > 1) { ?>
<?php osc_goto_first_locale(); ?>
<?php $i = 0; ?>
<?php while ( osc_has_web_enabled_locales() ) { ?>
<span><a id="<?php echo osc_locale_code(); ?>" href="<?php echo osc_change_language_url ( osc_locale_code() ); ?>"><?php echo osc_locale_name(); ?></a></span><?php if( $i == 0 ) { echo ""; } ?>
<?php $i++; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
/* End language switcher code
---------------------------------- */
Please help if anyone have the experience with it, give your idea here.