Customized header and footer for all your emails:
1.- Create two new pages named "email_general_header" and "email_general_footer". The title won't be used for this, but is required, so put anything there. Build your element with the available tools on RichEdit, then uncheck "Show a link in footer" and Save.
2.- Now add this at the very bottom of your theme functions.php (take care not to leave blank lines after this):
function cust_email_customization($mail, $params) {
$locale = osc_current_user_locale();
$mPages = new Page() ;
$custom_header = $mPages->findByInternalName('email_general_header') ;
$custom_footer = $mPages->findByInternalName('email_general_footer') ;
$mail->Body = $custom_header['locale'][$locale]['s_text'] . $mail->Body . $custom_footer['locale'][$locale]['s_text'];
return $mail;
osc_add_filter('pre_send_mail', 'cust_email_customization');
That's all, regards