Osclass forums
Support forums => Plugins => Cars attributes => Topic started by: akapar on November 25, 2013, 01:08:06 am
Hi there,
I just moved to OsClass 3.2.2. I am using Car Attributes and Real Estate plugin. When trying to post an item from admin menu, ad title and description fields do not show up. I tried it with several browsers but it's the same with all of them. The plugin attribute fields all show up correctly though. Can anyone suggest a solution?
Many thanks.
05suq.com (http://05suq.com)
did you try re-uploading just the oc-admin folder?
yep, same problem here. :(
In admin menu, ad title and description fields do not show up and can't edit them.
Tried several times and just remove it.
Lost in plugins jungle...
Can you check which plugin is causing this problem?
When you uninstall realestate and car attributes, is there this problem?
I have similiar problem yesterday after change the main language from US to ID, and now solved after the main language is enable at oc-admin.