im sure there definitely is,
each page will have unique treatments etc etc etc, but they have to be done without adding to the databaase as they are included elsewhere on another site! :/
little bit strange, so the idea i had was that each item would pull its own {itemID}.php file and this would contain the treatments info etc, this way then the php file can also just be recalled to the other site using php include, the problem i was having and stil am actaually is that i need to generate an {itemID}.php file when the item is actually added, and this is where the issues are coming with the fwrite command..
Its a bit awkward most definitely but to be honest it would be a nice feature to have for a lot of other sites which may require unique content.
A Perfect option REALLY would be the ability to seperate the custom fields so that they are not bunched together, but so far as it stands i think this is impossible because of the way the custom fields are in the database.. i cant seem to recall them individually..
For example i cant call my custom field Website and have it in a completely seperate location on the item page as another custom field such as Phone number..
They all have to be Beside eachother..
This is where the headache is coming.. maybe i will try to write another custom field plugin!
"Custom Field 2"