
Author Topic: Facebook Conncect - Has anyone been able to get this to work and can help??  (Read 5406 times)


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I am trying to get the Facebook Connect to work so that my users may login with their FB account.

Here's is what I have done so far:

1: I already created my app from FB and have my app id and app secret code.
2: I have added my app id and secret code within Osclass panel and clicked "Update" - so far so good per the "Congratulations. The plugin is now configured" success message - but nothing is plugged in??

3: per my screenshots - it seems that there still needs to be code implemented into HTML pages but since Osclass is mostly php how is this done?

Has anyone else been able to get this to work and if so - please help!!



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Once fb plugin is configured, you only need to add this line of code

Code: [Select]
<?php fbc_button(); ?>
You need to this link/button to make facebook link/button appears.

NOTE: If you are using Bender theme you can add this code inside header.php file. Around line 47:

<?php } else { ?>
                <li><?php fbc_button(); ?></li>
                <li><a id="login_open" href="<?php echo osc_user_login_url(); ?>"><?php _e('Login', 'bender') ; ?></a></li>
                <?php if(osc_user_registration_enabled()) { ?>


  • Jr. Member
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perfect and works like a charm!!!

Thanks garciademarina



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Do you mean something like on my page?

Slied out Facebook


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Re: Facebook Conncect - Not login after redirect the facebook account
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2014, 09:56:56 am »
I am using facebook version 1.4.1,
1: I already created my app from FB and have my app id and app secret code.
2.I have added appId & secret code in my osclass panel & click update.
3.i am getting Congratulations msg
4. I am adding <?php fbc_button(); ?> code on my header.

I have problem in login after redirect the facebook account.Plz Anyone help


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QUOTE : I have problem in login after redirect the facebook account.Plz Anyone help

Please explain further, as this is the most random of help/problem to fix i have seen so far.


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Please download new facebook connect plugin from osclass . its working fine with profile autofill in users data.
You can check at main page.
I want to change the text to button... Anyone can tell me how?


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I posted a fix for this not long ago... see FB thread about the same or search on 'redirect' or something.

QUOTE : I have problem in login after redirect the facebook account.Plz Anyone help

Please explain further, as this is the most random of help/problem to fix i have seen so far.


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Re: Facebook Conncect - Has anyone been able to get this to work and can help??
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2016, 12:14:00 am »
Please download new facebook connect plugin from osclass . its working fine with profile autofill in users data.
You can check at main page.
I want to change the text to button... Anyone can tell me how?

Any one can tell me how can i change button in space of text facebook login