I know. Might call me simple, but I don't invest much time in apps that don't provide any clues when they fail.
And I don't mind manually chmodding a cache folder, or something. But 90% of installers out there don't need that anymore.
I'm constantly on the lookout for good software we can offer to our users, without creating a support nightmare. OSclass is probably next on the list. Currently we offer Joomla, SPIP, Koken, Magento and Epesi. And sometimes Drupal, but only with custom developed solutions we can't do any other way.
I would also gladly have put some effort in this anti-spam script. It's not for the enduser anyway. But without any decent documentation, an installer that seems to date back to the previous millennium and errors on our test server, I really don't see the point.
We have no real problems with spam. Even on the now public OSclass testsite I've only had to deal with a small group of Russian and Bulgarian spammers and they have already given up. I don't even use gaptcha's. And I'm afraid this script will probably take more time than it frees up.
People who have a high spam count on shared hosting might see it otherwise, though. They haven't got 35 solutions to choose from...