
Author Topic: Embed ads in a different page/site ?  (Read 2516 times)


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Embed ads in a different page/site ?
« on: March 01, 2011, 12:56:01 pm »
Just downloaded & installed OS Class 1.2 which I think is very good.

I would like to embed some of the output - say the most recent ads or say a sample 10 or 20 in another page.

Is it possible to do this, and if so, can anyone give me a pointer ?

B. Rgds


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Re: Embed ads in a different page/site ?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2011, 12:53:33 pm »
Hi reetp,

First of all, we recommend you to use OSClass 2.0 (it's still RC3, but we're going to release the final version very soon).

After that, you could use the plugin "Extra Feeds" (extra feeds plugins 2.0 is for OSClass 2.0, but you could download a previous verion of it). With that plugin enabled, you could perform any search, add the parameter "&sFeed" at the end of the url and have a feed for that search (you could personalized it, having specific categories' items, or within a specific price range for example).

Then that feed could be integrated in the output of any other website. But we took note about it, and we'll work on some kind of widget to integrate OSClass' items in other pages.

Thanks for the feedback!


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Re: Embed ads in a different page/site ?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2011, 03:18:33 pm »
Hi Conejo (the Rabbit ???!!!!)  :)

Donde vives ? Soy Ingles pero vivo cerca Valencia !

First of all, we recommend you to use OSClass 2.0 (it's still RC3, but we're going to release the final version very soon).

Thanks for the reply - I'll upgrade accordingly.

After that, you could use the plugin "Extra Feeds" (extra feeds plugins 2.0 is for OSClass 2.0, but you could download a previous verion of it). With that plugin enabled, you could perform any search, add the parameter "&sFeed" at the end of the url and have a feed for that search (you could personalized it, having specific categories' items, or within a specific price range for example).

Then that feed could be integrated in the output of any other website. But we took note about it, and we'll work on some kind of widget to integrate OSClass' items in other pages.

OK, I'll have a play with that thank you - sounds pretty good.

I also think it would be nice to be able to effectively dump the header and just use the body and/or footer in your own site. Would be a neat way of doing it. I guess you would have to have an option to specify what width you want it so it fits in with your current pages. My problem is that I already have a site up & running & sorted and I am not going to change that, but I would like a simple way for the site to run a complete classifieds section.

Would also be nice to show things like say 'Latest ads' / 'What's hot' / 'Most viewed' or similar on the index page ????

To embed the whole thing, I had a look in index.php and wondered if I could use that and just drop the osc_renderHeader(); lines ??? Might have a play later !

Thanks for the feedback!

No worries - thanks for all the hard work !


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Re: Embed ads in a different page/site ?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2011, 03:32:51 pm »
Ah. You need the osc_renderHeader();

But another way is possibly to create your own theme and don't include the header content ? Sorry. Just thinking aloud !


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Re: Embed ads in a different page/site ?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 01:56:36 pm »
Hi reetp,

I live in Cartagena (Murcia) which is pretty near Valencia, I'm Spanish.

You definetly have to take a look at our 2.0 version, we did some big changes in the themes. They're now much much better an easier to use. It's difficult to explain, but you could customize the themes in very different ways.

But I think that will not help you with your issue. We'll work on some kind of widget so you could easily insert your OSClass data into any other website!
