Using directly a path to "oc-admin" in a plugin is bad practic, nobody do this, or that person don't have any notion what is doing, or with that bad pratic can be more easy do that, so it just can be lazy. So, using a helper to connect to current admin folder is the correct to exectute (variables do that, or no make any sense use them). You said the newer plugins or more complex plugins have 'oc-admin/ path hardcoded (so, seems you says these plugins have a directly path to oc-admin) what plugins you saw that with that direct path? it's easy said something genericall, but with no names to reference, can be complicated to guess what plugins you not refered yet for anyone with that issue. Indeed, if you know about that issue in some plugins you knowed, you cab change that "traditional" path to the correct helper on your current plugins. The oc-admin folder is fine, no need changed that, just because anyone can access the page. "They" not will access to anything without a currect admin name and password anyway. Do not wories about that is totally safe.