That is funny. With the same installation, on my development server is running fine, on Juan's machine the same bug appears!
The SQL sentence escapes the quotes characters (single and double quotes '") for example :
INSERT INTO t_table (text) VALUES ('That\'s right.')
For some reason, on your machines it's saved into the DB as "That\'s right." but it should be "That's right."
Could you tell us which MySQL version are you using? We are not sure why you are experiencing this error, if it's related to OSClass or it's something related which Apache/PHP/MySQL versions.
Anyway, we are working on that, since we consider it a major bug.
For the updating from beta to delta, well it's not difficult, but in my opinion, It's better to wait a little more, since we have some more "deep changes" to do until 1.2 stable release.