Hi Marcos,
First I'm currently on two-weeks holidays, so little to none development will be made, after a year of hard work I think I deserve some holidays.
Second, I have a huge list of tasks to do, adding PagSeguro or MoIP to payment plugin is not on top of said list, It will be done, eventually, but not soon. I can not help it.
Osclass and official plugins are free as in free beer, you don't have to pay for using them, please, consider that we have to make money somehow to keep the developing it, for that reason adding more payment processor to the plugin is not currently our priority.
Osclass and official plugins are open source, anyone with a little of web development knowledge could help us, improve them or create new ones. Maybe someone is able to help you on this particular request, payment plugin is easy enough to add more payment processors.
Insisting on this or any other issue will not make us to work any faster, we are already doing our best