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Support forums => Plugins => Plugin Payments => Topic started by: bauwaudesign on September 14, 2016, 04:12:19 am

Title: Payment Pro plugin PayPal checkout
Post by: bauwaudesign on September 14, 2016, 04:12:19 am
I have some issues that are all kind of related. If these need to be broken out into different topics, please let me know.

- Is it possible to use the new responsive PayPal checkout like is used by market.osclass.org?

- If not, is the PayPal checkout styling accessable at all?

- Is it possible to get from successful PayPal payment directly back to either the original page on which the user clicked "Make Premium", or, at least, directly back to the user's "Listings Payment Status" or "Dashboard" without going through the other two or three pages that the user is forced to go through?

- I need to be able to do recurring payments and noticed some code in /payment_pro/payments/paypal/PayPalPayment.php referencing "subscriptions". Is this available?

- Finally, will any edits I make to the plugin be undone by the next plugin update? If so, is there a way around that?

I'm on the visual design/front end dev side but can get around okay on easy back end things.


Title: Re: Payment Pro plugin PayPal checkout
Post by: _CONEJO on September 14, 2016, 10:14:52 am
I have some issues that are all kind of related. If these need to be broken out into different topics, please let me know.
- Is it possible to use the new responsive PayPal checkout like is used by market.osclass.org?

Not sure what checkout are you referring to, is the one at your site or at paypal's ?

- If not, is the PayPal checkout styling accessable at all?
If it's on your website, yes, if it's on paypal's then you could change a few things from your paypal account

- Is it possible to get from successful PayPal payment directly back to either the original page on which the user clicked "Make Premium", or, at least, directly back to the user's "Listings Payment Status" or "Dashboard" without going through the other two or three pages that the user is forced to go through?
It should be easy to do (at least redirect to listing payment status or any other static page), please, be aware that the checkout is not limited to one listing or product, your users could pay for several different listings at the same time. Also, not every time the payment is successful so you may want to show some error to you users

- I need to be able to do recurring payments and noticed some code in /payment_pro/payments/paypal/PayPalPayment.php referencing "subscriptions". Is this available?

Paypal and Stripe support recurring payments (subscriptions)

- Finally, will any edits I make to the plugin be undone by the next plugin update? If so, is there a way around that?
I'm on the visual design/front end dev side but can get around okay on easy back end things.

For subscriptions you could create a new plugin that works with payments pro (that's what we do at osclass.org for the paid plans.
For styling (in case you refer to the checkout on your website), you could add a new css to oc-content/plugins/payment_pro/styles/name_of_the_folder_of_your_theme.css with some CSS, if you upgrade the plugin, since that file is not in the plugin, it will not be overwritten
For redirect at the return page, you could create a new plugin too (there's a hook there).

So, if you do it right, every change will not be overwritten if y ou upgrade.

Title: Re: Payment Pro plugin PayPal checkout
Post by: bauwaudesign on September 15, 2016, 07:48:46 am
Thanks very much for the reply. I've added some clarification below.

I have some issues that are all kind of related. If these need to be broken out into different topics, please let me know.
- Is it possible to use the new responsive PayPal checkout like is used by market.osclass.org?

Not sure what checkout are you referring to, is the one at your site or at paypal's ?

When I test the checkout from my site it takes me to an older style, non-responsive PayPal login and payment processing. I then noticed when buying the Email Reminder plugin from market.osclass.org that the PayPal login is a newer style, responsive and a clearer UX overall. Is that determined by the plugin or by PayPal? The URL of the page is sandbox.paypal.com.

- If not, is the PayPal checkout styling accessable at all?
If it's on your website, yes, if it's on paypal's then you could change a few things from your paypal account

Okay, I'll dig around on that side and see what's possible.

- Is it possible to get from successful PayPal payment directly back to either the original page on which the user clicked "Make Premium", or, at least, directly back to the user's "Listings Payment Status" or "Dashboard" without going through the other two or three pages that the user is forced to go through?
It should be easy to do (at least redirect to listing payment status or any other static page), please, be aware that the checkout is not limited to one listing or product, your users could pay for several different listings at the same time. Also, not every time the payment is successful so you may want to show some error to you users

That's a concern. May be best to just offer more navigation choices from the Checkout page.

- I need to be able to do recurring payments and noticed some code in /payment_pro/payments/paypal/PayPalPayment.php referencing "subscriptions". Is this available?

Paypal and Stripe support recurring payments (subscriptions)

That's good. I found a little bit in the forums on the subject of PayPal recurring payments but not enough for me to go on.

- Finally, will any edits I make to the plugin be undone by the next plugin update? If so, is there a way around that?

For subscriptions you could create a new plugin that works with payments pro (that's what we do at osclass.org for the paid plans.
For styling (in case you refer to the checkout on your website), you could add a new css to oc-content/plugins/payment_pro/styles/name_of_the_folder_of_your_theme.css with some CSS, if you upgrade the plugin, since that file is not in the plugin, it will not be overwritten
For redirect at the return page, you could create a new plugin too (there's a hook there).

So, if you do it right, every change will not be overwritten if y ou upgrade.

The changes I made are minor, like editing payment_pro/index.php to change the nav link "Listings payment status" to "Your payments". I expect they'll be undone by a plugin update. Adding user-custom.php to my theme folder took care of the styling.

I'm not comfortable enough with php to create a plugin for the recurring payments or the redirect. What's the preferred way to find somebody to do that kind of work?

Thanks again for your help.
Title: Re: Payment Pro plugin PayPal checkout
Post by: _CONEJO on September 15, 2016, 10:22:10 am
When I test the checkout from my site it takes me to an older style, non-responsive PayPal login and payment processing. I then noticed when buying the Email Reminder plugin from market.osclass.org that the PayPal login is a newer style, responsive and a clearer UX overall. Is that determined by the plugin or by PayPal? The URL of the page is sandbox.paypal.com.
Ahhh the "beautiful" paypal's sandbox. Sandbox is a test environment, for some reason, it's still in the old interface, in fact, some part of paypal (not sandbox) are still in the old interface (for example recurring payments dashboard).
You could also expect the sandbox to fail for days at a time or not to work properly (like you make a payment and receive no notification). If you uncheck the sandbox button from the admin panel (warning, this will put you in production/real money mode), you could go to your checkout and click to pay, it should show you the newer UI (just don't pay). Anyway, this is on the paypal's side

Okay, I'll dig around on that side and see what's possible.

IIRC, you could change the title, add a "store image" and a few colors, at least with the old UI. Read a little more : https://www.paypal.com/customize

That's a concern. May be best to just offer more navigation choices from the Checkout page.

It's possible, you could make it as complicated as you want, or simply redirect to listing payment status or any other page, just remember to handle the flash message

That's good. I found a little bit in the forums on the subject of PayPal recurring payments but not enough for me to go on.

You need to use a few hooks to adjust some things like the period (day, month,...) if it has a free trial period too,... there are enough hooks and filters to do it without modifying the plugin. Unfortunately, you need to do what you are doing, it's not difficult, but a little tricky.

The changes I made are minor, like editing payment_pro/index.php to change the nav link "Listings payment status" to "Your payments". I expect they'll be undone by a plugin update. Adding user-custom.php to my theme folder took care of the styling.

I'm not comfortable enough with php to create a plugin for the recurring payments or the redirect. What's the preferred way to find somebody to do that kind of work?

Thanks again for your help.

If you just want to change some texts, I recommend you take a look at  https://doc.osclass.org/Translating_and_editing_language_files_(.po_and_.mo)  and modify the file oc-content/plugins/payment_pro/languages/en_US (or whatever language you use). It will be overwritten by each upgrade, BUT if you save a copy, you could import your translations to the new file and save a lot of work.

For finding someone to make your job, you could post in the "Jobs" area of the forum (please, read the rules here : http://forums.osclass.org/jobs/important-read-before-publish-in-this-forum/ ) or contact the premium support here :  https://osclass.org/premium_support_info/

Title: Re: Payment Pro plugin PayPal checkout
Post by: bauwaudesign on September 19, 2016, 08:23:32 pm
Ahhh the "beautiful" paypal's sandbox. Sandbox is a test environment, for some reason, it's still in the old interface, in fact, some part of paypal (not sandbox) are still in the old interface (for example recurring payments dashboard).
You could also expect the sandbox to fail for days at a time or not to work properly (like you make a payment and receive no notification). If you uncheck the sandbox button from the admin panel (warning, this will put you in production/real money mode), you could go to your checkout and click to pay, it should show you the newer UI (just don't pay). Anyway, this is on the paypal's side

Good to know. I had noticed the delayed notification.

You need to use a few hooks to adjust some things like the period (day, month,...) if it has a free trial period too,... there are enough hooks and filters to do it without modifying the plugin. Unfortunately, you need to do what you are doing, it's not difficult, but a little tricky.

If you just want to change some texts, I recommend you take a look at  https://doc.osclass.org/Translating_and_editing_language_files_(.po_and_.mo)  and modify the file oc-content/plugins/payment_pro/languages/en_US (or whatever language you use). It will be overwritten by each upgrade, BUT if you save a copy, you could import your translations to the new file and save a lot of work.

I'll look into that. Thanks.

For finding someone to make your job, you could post in the "Jobs" area of the forum (please, read the rules here : http://forums.osclass.org/jobs/important-read-before-publish-in-this-forum/ ) or contact the premium support here :  https://osclass.org/premium_support_info/

Just had a local developer contact me that might take it on. If not, I'll post in "Jobs".

Thanks, again for your help.

Title: Re: Payment Pro plugin PayPal checkout
Post by: Vodorod on January 23, 2017, 06:36:10 pm

"Problem" with PayPal Sandbox?
I installed Payments Pro and checked Payment Fee.
For test mode use Sandbox.
But if I  payed by PayPal in this mode there are no result. Item didn't published. Just "You payment done".

Is it normal for SanBox or not?

Title: Re: Payment Pro plugin PayPal checkout
Post by: _CONEJO on January 23, 2017, 06:58:31 pm
No, it's not normal.

Please contact us at the support page : https://market.osclass.org/plugins/payments/osclass-payments-pro_203
