
Author Topic: Paypal Plus - Theme and Translation for Germany  (Read 392 times)


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Paypal Plus - Theme and Translation for Germany
« on: October 19, 2017, 12:51:10 pm »

Ich habe mir gestern dieses Plugin gekauft:

Die Einrichtung hat soweit geklappt.
jetzt habe ich aber 2 Fragen.

1.) Gibt es schon eine deutsche Übersetzung?
2.) Laut Anleitung sollen wohl 2 Theme-Dateien geändert werden.
Bei beiden finde ich die entsprechenden Dateien nicht.

Hier die Hilfe:

Code: [Select]
Setting highlighting

Need small modifictions of theme files. Need add 2 id with functions in search files.
 For premium items id="<?php if(function_exists('ppaypal_premium_get_class_color')){echo ppaypal_premium_get_class_color(osc_premium_id());}?>" .
 For items id="<?php if(function_exists('ppaypal_get_class_color')){echo ppaypal_get_class_color(osc_item_id());}?>"
 Example,the file seacrh-list.php your template Next after the line <?php while (osc_has_premiums ()) {?>,:
 block ads <div class = "estate", you need to set the id for this block: id = "<?php echo ppaypal_premium_get_class_color(osc_premium_id());?>".Result:
 <div class = "estate" id = "<?php echo ppaypal_premium_get_class_color(osc_premium_id());?>">.
 The file seacrh-list.php your template Next after the line <?php while (osc_has_items ()) {?>,:
 block ads <div class = "estate", you need to set the id for this block: id = "<?php echo ppaypal_get_class_color(osc_item_id ());?>".Result:
 <div class = "estate" id = "<?php echo ppaypal_get_class_color(osc_item_id());?>">.
 We selected color ads will be shown - id = "colorized", normal - id = "normal".
 Another example, the template Bender:
 File loop-single.php - 2-line :
 <li class = "listing-card <?php echo $class; if(osc_item_is_premium()){echo'premium';}?>" id="<?php if(function_exists('ppaypal_get_class_color')){echo ppaypal_get_class_color(osc_item_id());}?>">
 File loop-single-premium.php :
 <li class = "listing-card <?php echo $class; if(osc_item_is_premium()){echo'premium';}?>" id="<?php if(function_exists('ppaypal_premium_get_class_color')){echo ppaypal_premium_get_class_color(osc_premium_id());}?>">
 Modified files for Modern and Bender(for examples) in /oc-content/plugins/ppaypal/examples.

Weder die loop-single-premium.php noch die loop-single.php habe ich in den Themes???

Vielleicht hat das ja schon jemand in diese Themes eingebaut und kann mir helfen.
Ansonsten wird das hervorheben nicht angezeigt.

I bought this plugin yesterday:

The decor has worked so far.
but now I have 2 questions.

1.) Is there already a German translation?
2.) According to the guidance are supposed to change 2 theme files.
For both, I do not find the appropriate files.

Here's the help:

Code: [Select]
Setting highlighting

Need small modifictions of themefiles. Need add 2 id with functions in searchfiles.
 For premium items id = "<? Php if (function_exists ('ppaypal_premium_get_class_color')) {echo ppaypal_premium_get_class_color (osc_premium_id ());}?>".
 For items id = "<? Php if (function_exists ('ppaypal_get_class_color')) {echo ppaypal_get_class_color (osc_item_id ());}?>"
 Example, the file seacrh-list.php yourtemplate Next after the line <? Php while (osc_has_premiums ()) {?> ,:
 block ads <div class = "estate", you need to set the id for this block: id = "<? php echo ppaypal_premium_get_class_color (osc_premium_id ());?
 <div class = "estate" id = "<? php echo ppaypal_premium_get_class_color (osc_premium_id ());?>">.
 The file seacrh-list.php yourtemplate Next after the line <? Php while (osc_has_items ()) {?> ,:
 block ads <div class = "estate", you need to set the id for this block: id = "<? php echo ppaypal_get_class_color (osc_item_id ());
 <div class = "estate" id = "<? php echo ppaypal_get_class_color (osc_item_id ());?>">.
 We selected color ads will be shown - id = "colorized", normal - id = "normal".
 Another example, the template Bender:
 File loop-single.php - 2-line:
 <php> echo $ class; if (osc_item_is_premium ()) {echo'premium ';}?> "id =" <? php if (function_exists (' ppaypal_get_class_color ')) {echo ppaypal_get_class_color osc_item_id ());}> ">?
 File loop-single-premium.php:
 <php> echo $ class; if (osc_item_is_premium ()) {echo'premium ';}?> "id =" <? php if (function_exists (' ppaypal_premium_get_class_color ')) {echo ppaypal_premium_get_class_color osc_premium_id ());}> ">?
 Modified files for Modern and Bender (for examples) in / oc-content / plugins / ppaypal / examples.

Neither the loop-single-premium.php nor the loop-single.php I have in the themes ???

Maybe someone has already incorporated into these themes and can help me.
Otherwise, the highlight is not displayed.
