I ve just installed the Carousel plugin 2.5.1 thanks to the help of cartagena68 here.
Now I want to adjust the width of Carousel plugin, I looked at this topic :
http://forums.osclass.org/plugins/problem-plugin_carousel/15/and I tried with your code $carouselWidth = "500px" in my index.php file of my plugin folder but it seems to have an syntax error or not?
Please look at my code:
function osc_carousel_width() {
return(osc_get_preference('carousel_width', 'plugin-carousel_for_osclass')) ;
$carouselWidth = "500px"
function osc_carousel_height() {
return(osc_get_preference('carousel_height', 'plugin-carousel_for_osclass')) ;
then when I uploaded index.php file , carousel's width doesn't change.
Please have you the right code or another solution?