jepp, same problem, add to watchlist comes again, and pages not working...
i would like to have the watchlist in dashboard (symnel) for user, now it is the on custom page,
does someone know how i can put it to user-custom?
attached german language 1.0.7 changed watchlist -> Favoriten
to fix the paginaton for the moment i change itemsperpage to "0" now you see all
OK, just for the moment i fixed the the add to watchlist problem for me
change function watchlist (u need to style your button)
the ajax button when adding to watchlist is still working
function watchlist() {
// echo '<a href="javascript://" class="watchlist seller btn btn-default btn-xs" id="' . osc_item_id() . '">';
// echo '' . __('Add to watchlist', 'watchlist') . '';
// echo '</a>';
if ( osc_is_web_user_logged_in() ) {
//check if the item is not already in the watchlist
$conn = getConnection();
$detail = $conn->osc_dbFetchResult("SELECT * FROM %st_item_watchlist WHERE fk_i_item_id = %d and fk_i_user_id = %d", DB_TABLE_PREFIX, osc_item_id() , osc_logged_user_id());
//If nothing returned then we can process
if (!isset($detail['fk_i_item_id'])) {
echo '<a href="javascript://" class="watchlist seller btn btn-default btn-xs" id="' . osc_item_id() . '">';
echo '' . __('Add to watchlist', 'watchlist') . '';
echo '</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="' . osc_base_url(true) . '?page=custom&file=watchlist/watchlist.php" class="watchlist seller btn btn-default btn-xs">' . __('View your watchlist', 'watchlist') . '</a>';