HI am using the realstate theme downloaded from the osclass site...
I am experiencing the following doubts and i hope you can help me out on each of these points:
1. When i do a search no results come even if i place words that are in certain adverts...
2. When i click a category the following page display: "Search Results" instead of the category page
3. I get a lot of adverts in the main page.. can i show only the latest 10?
4. The images for the latest items in the main page are distorted. how can i display them correctly?
5. In the advert page (item.php) would it be possible to show the thumnail pictures on the right hand side of the main picture verticaly instead in the bottom? Is it possible to make the main image bigger. (no zooming just as it is). see an example here:
http://coolcarousels.frebsite.nl/c/11/coolcarousel.htmlhope you can help me out. am stuck on the code...