
Author Topic: User column in Forum  (Read 1340 times)


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User column in Forum
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:26:59 am »
Sugestion: "User column" in Forum with under Sections like:

1. Showcase your site

2. Member Created Templates - Non-official templates

3. Share- User classifieds

1. Showcase your site - user can present his osclass page - and ask obaut members opinion

2. Member Created Templates - Non-official templates - members can share  their templates and ask how to optimize them - maybe we can made some cind of competition - the best one template will be a official osclass template.

3. Share- User classifieds - If I look to most users projects there are ghost pages withouth items, I was thinking obaut platform where users give there classifieds for International publishing free, other users can chose or decide which ads they want to publish.
At first pages will have more published items, second pages with category - International classifieds -  are competitive at market.



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Re: User column in Forum
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2012, 11:46:13 am »
Hi ingo,

Thanks for the suggestion. We already thought some of them , and let me explain you my point of view:

1.- We already have a showcase :     
So if you want to appear on that showcase, just PM one of us and will include you.
We discovered than most people do not a personalized template for their site, most of them, only change a few images and or colors. I fear that if a forum section is about showcase, it will be filled with spam and not real "unique" sites. (I had experience on other forums about this)

2.- We're working on some sort of "shop/market/store/repository" for themes and plugins. You will be able to upload your theme/plugin offer them for free or at a cost and of course, download them from other users.

3.- We can not do that, we'll run into so many legal problems that we can not do it. Spanish legislation, for example, forced us to have a write consent of the people share their information (name, email, telephone,... plus the ad itself). So we need a consent from every user who made an ad (not the one who share them). In case you made "fake ads", it's ok, but them we run into a second problem.

Ads are in a specific language and in a specific location. So they will only work if your site is in that location and language. Plus if you changed some categories, it will not work. So it's "difficult" to offer that kind of service. But it's in our ideas' list to offer something similar at installation step.

We really appreciate your interest and suggestions, please keep sending your ideas to us, so we can improve OSClass. Of course, if you find some solution to the problems I proposed here, we'll be glad to make your ideas happen.



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Re: User column in Forum
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2012, 01:40:16 pm »

I fear that if a forum section is about showcase, it will be filled with spam and not real "unique" sites. (I had experience on other forums about this)
....I understand.
2.- We're working on some sort of "shop/market/store/repository" for themes and plugins.
3.- We can not do that, we'll run into so many legal problems that we can not do it.


Obaut International classifieds - I was thought obaut extra category named "Int.Ads" with only few subcategories like: Cars, Realestate and Hoidays.
Maybe we can implamate google translator only for this  categories , we need extra "publish item"- skin with countries /categories to choose (only to find under "publish your ad International"). And... now it coms.. my idea is to send those ads to admins from pages by email (hidden - saved in system).
Now can admin from selected country  decide to publish or not.
Admin can also choose with which pages /countries want to collaborate (to set in admin panel)

It smells like a new Plugin or maybe has  someone better idea.

I know OSClass is allredy unique/huge project!

Just thought this cind of extension can make OSClass much stronger internationally


 Thanks for imformations


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Re: User column in Forum
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2012, 07:44:25 pm »

i agree with second point

that would be a great idea