>>A pop up to show where will be asking which language will the user use our web.
Auto popups is not something anyone want here close to 2015
I am from Scandinavien, and if I saw ,,
my,, Language link on your page,
Then of course I,ll click it.
- -
>>All must be lunched in Norwegian language untilll user cleans the cache or formats pc.
You have it the more or less already in your Osclass installation,
Try go into Osclass marked and download, and install, e.g. 3-4 eXtra language Packs
* It _
must_be_ language packs direct from marked, so you are sure they are working properly.
here are too many ,cloth peddlers, who dont understand to handle MO vs fall back files correct.)
>>in norwegian even categories. All must be lunched in NorwegianEvery
LANGUAGE PACK whos files is translated correct in respectively:
Core/Po/Mo -
Index.Php -
Mail.Sql -
Messages/Po/Mo -
will do the trix 100% correct -
nearly exactly as you want it.
Except for, that the visitor must self choose the desired language. (
A code that recognizes visitors country of browser must be written specifically
Or as a ,cheap, _but_super_poor_ solution, you could use Google auto translate.)
- -
Let me
politely suggest you're testing and learning how your Osclass works,
before you go ahead, -
it will save you many questions in the coming future.
- -
Regards: s51 ...