Hi there,
since I have a wish for a plugin and I can't ask somebody to create it for me I will create one myself
HOWEVER, I have no clue where to start!
WHERE TO START?I figured it will be a good idea to just start one based on an existing Plugin of which I think comes closest to what I want.
In this case that will be the 'Watchlist' plugin and the 'Print news' plugin, both freely available and a good starting point for my needs.
WHAT?The plugin I want to create will read a specific dutch RSS feed from our biggest national classifieds site called 'Marktplaats'.
It will read the rss feed based on a marktplaats user_id, save it as cached file and display the marktplaats ads on the user's public profile page.
The user will be able to edit settings and enable/disable this feature for their public profile.
Ofcourse only available to registered users.
It will use a cache mechanism like the print news plugin and it will use installation, sql struct, user config, display and help as used in Watchlist plugin. In addition I will think of a way how to keep settings osclass way and create a method for viewing Marktplaats ads the way it is done with current ads in my current theme.
So maximum ease and minimum extra work I hope.
COPY vs NEWOKAY, so I found a WordPress plugin that actually enables this 'feed' in WordPress and so I will use this WP plugin for my needs but ofcourse I will have to change some logic to make it work inside osclass the way I want. This WP plugin is open-source (GPL) and so I will do the same with my creation for which there will be no guarantees of success ofcourse!
I will start working on the plugin and as I go I will place updates in this thread as of HOW I exactly start and WHAT I change to get the results I want.
If I get stuck I will ask for help in the forums but hopefully I'll be able to just do this on my own with what already is available thanks to others!
Hopefully this thread will inspire others and give it all the extra information needed for others to start creating their own (free) plugins.
PREREQUISITESYou have a brain, know how to read php code, you are able to cut & paste and to copy php logic to suit your needs.
Also important, you are not too shy or too 'thick' to ask for help
Sorry for those not living in the Netherlands however, with this thread you should be able to figure a suitable competitor RSS feed out that you can use if you wanted to.
Moreover you definitely get a better understanding of Osclass plugins and maybe be able to create your own thoughts into nice new plugins for all to use...Regards,