
Author Topic: Collation with regionals  (Read 721 times)


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Collation with regionals
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:49:39 am »
Hello. I need some help regarding regionals characters in my website.
I have changed in phpmyadmin the collation into utf8_romanian_ci in all proper areas and now, in city dropdow the fields show in proper order as a,ă,â s,ș t,ț. Whithout this change they show in wrong order like â,ă,a but i get all results regardless a,ă,â. So one issue is fixed.

After this change, when i use City field from bender sidebar which has autocomplete, if i insert "ca" i get in dropdown only locations with "ca" so i do not see the ones with "că" or "câ". And i assume that will happen as well with the search function.

I must have the values in proper order a,ă,â s,ș t,ț and in the same time show all results like is happening with default utf8_general_ci

I have searched for a way to fix this and the only thing was this -is written in romanian  where that user tells that he fixed this problem by using
Code: [Select]
SELECT name FROM view_cl_all WHERE name LIKE $sr_name COLLATE utf8_general_ci; in search. The problem is that i do not know how to apply this into osclass. Any one has a clue? Thanks


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Re: Collation with regionals
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 12:11:43 pm »
Have made an ad with S and another with Ș. Search is ok, it shows both results (normal since i changed into romanian only Region and City).