I have made a clean install of 3.5 and i see that this version was "improved" because now, on home page i see all categories, i can click on any with an ad but on those with no ads (0), no action is performed, no message is shown to the user. This improvement is a really bad idea.
Some requested that empty categories to be hidden. And by that, we should have an admin option to show all categories even if they are empty, or hide the ones without ads.
So we have now a broken function compared to previous version and no improvement as requested. Nice job. What other improvements were made?
I can specify another one right now...If we have in admin area just 1 country, dropdown field Country should be active and hidden because there is nothing else to chose from.
As a improvement i see that we have now ajax fill in for Location fields (except Country as stated before) which works ok and solves the issue of lag when selecting Region and than see wrong City because of slow interogation of database