
Author Topic: Admin panel - in category edits what do these 2 checkbox mean ....  (Read 652 times)


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hi everyone.

I am a bit confused to the functionality of these checkboxes in the Category edit field

[] Enable / Disable the price field

[] Apply the expiration date and price field changes to children categories

Then in the sub-category i only see

[] Enable / Disable the price field

not sure what this means exactly.


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Re: Admin panel - in category edits what do these 2 checkbox mean ....
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2016, 11:03:26 am »
try to enable/disable and differences at live host. be a little less stupid


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Re: Admin panel - in category edits what do these 2 checkbox mean ....
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2016, 05:47:13 am »
i am a developer looking for more of a technical answer.

feel free to tell me

a) where does the php checkbox is triggered (in the php code)

b) when triggered, does the function affect the all the post under sub-category tree

c) (if yes) what table is that in on the database so i can make changes.