I don't have access to your admin, so can't see what is happening there, but
1.- Open your browser's console
2.- Go to your website (public or your admin, where you are having issues)
3.- See what's there
Right now, there's this:
ReferenceError: transparent is not defined[Learn More] vidbg.min.js:6:3184
Error: Missing required parameters: sitekey recaptcha__en.js:394:182
So, some script called "vidbg.min.js" (which resides at yourdomain.tld/js/vidbg.min.js , so it's not a plugin, not a theme, you put it there) have some issues, you need to fix it.
The next issue is that you didn't configure your recaptcha keys, this is in yoru html
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="">