There is nothing difficult with GDPR plugin.
As i told you in an other topic, you should find someone in your country, to help you in your project, because apparently you are NOT qualified for it. And the purpose of this forum is not to instruct any basics or the english language.
Otherwise you will NOT be able to continue your project in the future. You will always have problems and you will spend your time with problems, instead of promoting your site.
Dear Aficionado,
I do not need to promote my website.
I have had a forum and a lobster database for over 25 years, that runs particularly well.
Those updates and plugins are also in English, but they can be translated with google because they are clear. Something I can not say about the explanation of OsClass's plugins
And people like to help if it does not work, and do not belittle the persons. They respect people who do their best
As only knowledgeable program experts are tolerated here, I will withdraw here and stop the site