First off, great program. Easy to set up, and has a 'ton' of features!
I am using the Bender theme. My application for Classified Ads only has 2 main (parent) categories: 'For Sale' and 'Looking to Buy'. Each of these two main categories has a number of sub-categories. All this works fine, so far.
The 'problem' (for me) is that all listings look very similar to the viewer, and it can be difficult to tell whether a product Ad is 'For Sale' or if someone is 'Looking to Buy' that item, unless the advertiser specifically mentions this fact in the description. At the top of the individual item page, the sub-categories are correctly displayed, but the parent category is not indicated.
What I would like to do, is to automatically include the parent directory as part of the item description. I believe that the extra code should be palced in 'item.php'. I can succesfully place extra text as part of the description, but I cannot find a way to provide the parent category of the item being listed. For example, if I add this:
$parentCategory = osc_get_category('id', $aCategory['fk_i_parent_id']); ... the displayed result is 'ARRAY'.
If instead I use: $cat= (osc_category_name()) ; it always prints 'For Sale' (category 1) whether the item parent category is 'For Sale' or 'Looking to Buy'.
Any help would definitely be appreciated.