this is only happen when i change language as indonesia, and not happen if i use english.
from console, i found this error.
dayNamesShort: ['Minggu', 'Senin', 'Selasa', 'Rabu', 'Kamis', 'Jum'at', 'Sabtu'], // For formatting
'Jum'at' should be 'Jum\'at' (indonesian friday)
i try to find the file but i dont found it yet.
</div><!-- #content -->
<?php osc_run_hook('admin_footer'); ?>
i dont know how to find file that containts "admin_footer" hook.
also, i try to find it in: osclass\oc-includes\osclass\assets\js
but still no luck
how to find file that containst datepicker initialize?
error found on frontend and backend (admin page).
i find the whole database but still didnt find table that save indonesian day names.
any suggestion?