Hello guys,
I am trying to improve the search feature for my website (which is an 'office-let' website).
What I'm trying to add is a search by size feature in the search category. I am struggling to find a way to implement this, and I did try creating a custom field and going through it like that, but realistically, I need to assign two values as a range and unfortunately, custom fields-search only deals with single values (would be nice if they implemented a range option).
However, the behaviour of what I'm looking for is identical to the price search feature, which takes 2 values, a min price and a max price. If I could somehow replicate that but instead of price it looks at the custom field Size(m²) and then the user can search by specifiying a min size and a max size...
Can this be done? And if so how do I go about implementing it? Assuming I can almost copy and paste the price field code and then, somehow point it to the size custom field? Do I need to touch PHP admin at all?