
Author Topic: State, Region, City landing pages help please?  (Read 521 times)


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State, Region, City landing pages help please?
« on: May 06, 2018, 02:57:42 pm »

I'm using a modified version of the Bender theme.

The front of the website where you can see all the categories, I would refer to that as the "main landing page".

When I reference a "landing page" I'm referencing the page in which you see the subject categories.

I need what I would call "state / region landing pages". I'm in Australia, so for example, I want to be able to have something that says NSW or Sydney and has all the categories like the front page but they only go to searches for NSW or Sydney rather than the entire site and every country/state/region I use.

At the moment, a sort of "landing" page does exist for NSW / Sydney for example it leads to:


BUT It shows a "Search" listing of ALL NSW adverts and a little category bar on the left.

I don't want this. I want it to look like my front page but be for NSW or Sydney and lead to those category searches rather than the opposite way around.

I don't want the /new-south-wales-r782093 leading to all the search results nor the city/region ones either.

Can anyone please help? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.