Seems the current download of OSClass doesn't include logout code.
When you click logout, nothing happens.
Here is a quick fix:
Open: /user.php
Find (line 35):
break ;
After, on a new line, paste:
case('logout'): // logout...
if (osc_is_web_user_logged_in())
// Empty Instance
array('s_secret' => ''),
array('pk_i_id' => '')
// Empty Cookie
Cookie::newInstance()->set_expires( osc_time_cookie() - (86400*365) ) ;
Cookie::newInstance()->push('oc_userId', '') ;
Cookie::newInstance()->push('oc_userSecret', '') ;
Cookie::newInstance()->set() ;
// Empty Session
Session::newInstance()->_set('userId', '') ;
Session::newInstance()->_set('userName', '') ;
Session::newInstance()->_set('userEmail', '') ;
// Prepare message
osc_add_flash_message( _m('You have logged out') ) ;
// Go home after log out
$this->redirectTo( osc_base_url() ) ;