There is also something else that needs to be taken care of.
Custom Fields if they are a URL.
To make them nofollow and to open to a new windows.
Changes in hitems.php and the following code (from Osclass 3.1 maybe the lines are different, but you get the idea where to ADD the "rel="nofollow external" target="_blank").
in function osc_item_meta_value()
else if($meta['e_type']=="URL") {
if(osc_field(osc_item_meta(), 's_value', '')!='') {
if(stripos(osc_field(osc_item_meta(), 's_value', ''),'http://')!==false || stripos(osc_field(osc_item_meta(), 's_value', ''),'https://')!==false) {
return '<a href="'.htmlentities(osc_field(osc_item_meta(), 's_value', ''), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8").'" rel="nofollow external" target="_blank">'.htmlentities(osc_field(osc_item_meta(), 's_value', ''), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8").'</a>';
} else {
return '<a href="http://'.htmlentities(osc_field(osc_item_meta(), 's_value', ''), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8").'" rel="nofollow external" target="_blank">'.htmlentities(osc_field(osc_item_meta(), 's_value', ''), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8").'</a>';
} else {
return '';