"Point a sub-domain" to a city. Example:
www.sub-domain.com/city Using your MAIN website. Navigate to the city page you want the sub-domain to point too. Copy or write down the enter link shown in the browser address bar.
Log into your website HOST provider control panel. Navigate to the area showing your domains and sub-domains. In the domain area find the setting for re-direct. Open the sub-domain you want to re-direct and paste in the link from the browser address bar into the re-direct bar. Click save. Now when that sub-domain is accessed it leads direct to the city link.
Here is a working example of a link you would copy from the web browser address bar:
http://www.kathyfarnsworth.com/index.php?page=search&sRegion=Michigan The name of the sub-domain does not matter. Just so long as it is pointed (re-directed) to the page you want linked. The example above is to the state of Michigan search page but it can be to ANY page including a city.
Without actualy logging in and seeing your host provider control panel, I am unable to tell you exactly where the domain and sub-domain settings are..
You do not change the DNS.
Understand this:
MS hosting - The sub-domain must be entered like this =
www.subdomain.com/cityLinux Hosting - The sub-domain can be entered like this =