I would like to give you an other developing suggestion. A caching plugin for Osclass. You could charge also for it, since it is not very simple to do. For some reason a caching plugin was started but never finished (there are a couple at github).
Actually i'm using my plugincache on latest osclass versions and it save me.
Before i had a dedicated server and i had no problem with my sites. Then, due to money problem, i transfer all to a basic shared hosting (the one that you, Aficionado, hated most. Hostgator), andstarted all the problems related to cpu and memory use ( they suspend my account few times). So i installed my plugincache and all problem stop.
The only problem remaining are the inodes, i solve that on my site with most traffic (300/500 ads a day) setting an expiration date and using my renew ads plugin to delete the expired ads.
With plugincache the cache files for items are stored in subfolders that you can set to be by day, month or year, so you can easy manually delete the older folder.
The file is created when somebody visit the ad
You can set the cache only for items or you can cache also main page and static pages.
For me is working fine, i don't add it to my site because of the known isuues with facebook login plugin and the list/grid view in bender theme.
Said that, if a better cache plugin is created, i would be happy to have it.