Osclass forums
Development => Development => Topic started by: BritWeb on July 14, 2019, 01:55:19 pm
I don’t normally visit this thread as I thought this was for developers but the question, ‘Osclass project is dead?’ got me thinking and I have the obligation to join in.
We all know Osclass script is completely free and people download it to their heart content without any need to pay a single dime for it. Just running a single Osclass site involves spending money, time and energy and the returns may be meagre in majority of cases.
Considering the above, Osclass project needs a good team:
- Team to constantly develop and maintain
- Team to test and report (Osclass site webmasters)
- Team to extend financial support for the project
- Team to provide support on the forum
I am sure everyone here agrees that they run Osclass sites trying to make a few bucks and some merely do it for fun. There are a few guys having their websites selling themes and plugins. The truth is, there is a thriving community that relies on this script and we all should therefore consider ourselves as part of the team and realise if this project shuts down, all our sites and related businesses will be doomed. To my understanding this script is far superior to similar paid scripts out there.
Just to conclude, I would request every Osclass users to fork out a minimum of 10 dollars, whenever they update their existing script or download a fresh copy of this lovely script. It’s not too much to ask and in fact I would welcome if the developers make it compulsory to pay for the upgrades and new downloads. Without much ado, we are willing to pay for good hosting, nice themes and plugins, don’t we?
Sorry if I did upset anyone here; I only spoke my mind. I hope everyone here joins in to keep the project going and make it an outstanding one, just like ‘Wordpress’.
Many thanks
Read this a couple of times and I must say I agree with you.
In my example, 80% of my freelance projects are Osclass based and 80% of my AdSense income comes from Osclass sites. There is no other (open-source) script like Osclass. Probably there isn't a script with a big community like the Osclass one.
My only request from Osclass Team is the following:
If you can't maintain Osclass yourself (seems like you can't last a couple of years...), give it to the community. Give forum moderators to the most active supporters on forums. Give Market moderators to the best active developers on the Market. Let us update the GitHub repo.
I can donate, not a problem. But the best way for Osclass Team to earn money is Market. Approve our products. It's a win for everyone.
- Users get new functionalities and design.
- Developers earn money (some for a living!)
- Osclass earns money (from commissions).
- Developers create new plugins (because they got paid).
- Osclass adds new updates (because more users are coming as the script is expanding).
And it all repeats over and over.
I hope you understood me.
Thanks for the understanding, WEBmods
As a community we all have to act fast and bring in some rescue plans before it's too late. Looks like developers are losing interest with this project. Valued forum supporters like teseo and dev101 are nowhere to be seen.
This will be interesting:)
Should we try with this? If enough of us sends the mail, they may see it and respond.
Good one! I will do it straight away.
Anyone heard about PHPizabi? I did use it for a couple of my dating sites a few years ago. It was apparently started by two guys who later had a falling out and the project was abandoned. This was before 'facebook' came into existence (or became known to the world). Over the years, I have seen many CMS and dating scripts go.
Osclass was probably started by a group of enthusiasts who after a few years lost interest and went their own way. I don't blame them 'cause people cannot do things for free forever, there got to be an incentive of some sort.
Hence I believe, in order this project to survive the script should be paid for whether it's an update or a new download. Hope everyone in this community agrees with me.
I was planning (long ago) to make a user custom fields plugin. I now have a lot of experience and have a plugin that I can use as a base.
I will try to (as soon as I get time) make the plugin and publish it, for FREE on Forums. I think that's a really requested feature and it may bring some people to Osclass.
Even if I would want to earn money from it, Market wouldn't approve it.
Aficionado is no longer in these forums? He was the most active user in my opinion:).
Calin Behtuk, Patrik from Croatia also were active after Teseo "left". And many others. Who is still providing code solutions in the forums nowadays?
Aficionado is no longer in these forums? He was the most active user in my opinion:).
Calin Behtuk, Patrik from Croatia also were active after Teseo "left". And many others. Who is still providing code solutions in the forums nowadays?
I didn't saw him for a long time. Is it possible he got a ban or something? I think I can't find him on the member list.
@calinbehtuk is still here I believe, just not active a lot.
And for those who didn't notice, I am patrickFromCroatia. Just changed my name to the one from Market. ;)
I just spotted this on one of my posts in Jobs section:
« Last Edit: 14-05-2019, 09:42:07 by oribas »
Edit by 'oribas', but the post is mine. So is that guy a moderator? If mods are here why is no one responding???
EDITED: I checked, it's an admin.
Investigating the admins more, @garciademarina and @_CONEJO were last online 1 month ago.
However, @teseo's last visit was 1 year ago. :/
About @Aficionado, he is marked as a guest, not a member. Looks like a ban to me.
Hi All,
I have thought about making similar post like Britweb for the last few months urging community to start a fund drive or something but then to me it seemed like it is already too late as I think the original developers have moved on to some other things and I didn't think it would help. To me it looks like the project has been dead for almost an year as there have been no posts by any osclass team member not just here but also at github - they used to at least respond at github regarding issues and one could see the timeline on some of the issues. Additionally, there have been no updates in the market for almost a year and they did the last market update after some users complained about their plugins on hold since 2017 - that to me was an indication that they probably have given up on this and have moved on to other things. I don't think make much money from plugins or marketplace which helps them to pay the bills and if they do not have the time, personnel or resources then they can just let the plugin market to the developers and users to handle - let users and plugin developers deal with each other and they can focus on writing/updating the script and charge a small fee for all downloads, it may help.
I think many of us would gladly pay a small fee as Britweb suggested if only osclass developers would come out and state exactly what their goals are and what they want from the community in order to keep the project going.
Nice reply, @Resta
For a start, forum Administrator could make this topic sticky giving it the maximum exposure on the forum. The whole Osclass community should realise how serious the situation is at the moment.
Also as @WEBmods suggested, Osclasser's should email this topic to the developers.
Osclass is not dead. If someone wants to use it, he can. It's an opportunity to learn php by changing its core to do what the owner wants to, at least that's what I did.
Osclass will be dead only if this forum disappears.
Osclass is not dead. If someone wants to use it, he can. It's an opportunity to learn php by changing its core to do what the owner wants to, at least that's what I did.
Osclass will be dead only if this forum disappears.
I quite agree with you @marius-ciclistu
Yes, one can learn php using this script or tweak it and call it their own but those who are not into programming to that level will have hard time if the script needed security updates to protect their websites from vulnerability issues.
All we need is regular security updates and functionality enhancement just as it happens with Wordpress.
If someone didn't notice in the other topic:
OsclassWizards team, who made probably one of the most used themes apart from default Bender, decided to leave Osclass development and focus on other projects. And who could blame them...
I don't get it. Isn't the last version of osclass ok? If someone wants more he can modify the core or hire a dev to do it. What is the big issue here? And don't tell me that security updates etc.
Stop complaining and use osclass as it is. The devs stoped working on it because it stoped generating enough income for them. That does not mean it's a bad script.
Yes.. Its a very, very nice script...
But with the speed of internet very fast become a useless script in no development was made...
So, for what I understand it's a death project, no active development... No future, correct????
and the peoples who bought plugins and themes from the market, and now can't get the updated version???? This is a waste of money, correct????
It is a good start for someone who wants to use it and NOT buy plugins for it. If you want to buy, you will never stop buying devs time to maintain it, and when you will stop, the actual situation will happen.
So use it as it is as long as it is still available together with the content of this forum.
We should listen what osClass team have to say....
osClass team should write something and clarify the situation...
They finish completely all activity regarding osClass??
They will kept the forum & Site???
In my opinion this need to be clarified by osClass team for each of us take our one decisions.. This is the minimum osClass team should make for us...
Best Regards
So, any news about all that ?
So, any news about all that ?
Makes me wonder if any of the developers ever visit this forum anymore.
So, any news about all that ?
Makes me wonder if any of the developers ever visit this forum anymore.
Nothing changed after my post:
Investigating the admins more, @garciademarina and @_CONEJO were last online 1 month ago.
However, @teseo's last visit was 1 year ago. :/
About @Aficionado, he is marked as a guest, not a member. Looks like a ban to me.
Osclass Team wake up!
Osclass Market will be shut down on September 5th:
Dear Osclass Market User,
We regret to inform you that the Osclass Market will be closing permanently on September 5th. As of that date, your Market account will no longer be accessible, and you will not be able to download any purchases. Please access your account (market.osclass.org/user/login) and go to My Downloads and My Purchases to download all of your products by September 5th.
If you have any support threads currently open, please contact us at info@osclass.org to facilitate communication with the developer.
Thank you for being with us throughout the years. We are sorry for any inconvenience that the Osclass Market closure may cause you.
Osclass Team
I wonder what will happen to domain and forum in a near future, because forum holds great information about many things etc.
Maybe it can be transferred to some free forum hosting platforms, however, in most such cases, permalinks will be dead.
Osclass is not dead. If someone wants to use it, he can. It's an opportunity to learn php by changing its core to do what the owner wants to, at least that's what I did.
Osclass will be dead only if this forum disappears.
One tiny little problem with above is that languages and geo data are pulled from Osclass domain during installation. Of course, anyone with database backup and such is fine (data is already present), but new installations will be "blank" (e.g. no other languages or geo locations can be pulled if the domain expires). If that changes in some last release, to be self contained package, then it may be OK.
I have just seen the mail... No comment.
I am about to go download all free plugins from Market and post them on a topic here.
Is anyone interested in making a new site for plugins, a new Market? I can help with development, hosting, everything. We need a new site for this... Maybe we can aswell download all locations and languages and publish them.
So if i understand it correctly, the whole project is shutting down.
And what will become this script ? Should we look for something else or what ?
The forum is the biggest loss... I don't think that osclass would agree on donating the forum with its content...
I wonder what will happen to domain and forum in a near future, because forum holds great information about many things etc.
Maybe it can be transferred to some free forum hosting platforms, however, in most such cases, permalinks will be dead.
Well, the forum could become READ ONLY and be hosted somewhere else (cheaper) i guess.
The forum is the biggest loss... I don't think that osclass would agree on donating the forum with its content...
They never said that forum will die, right?
The forum is the biggest loss... I don't think that osclass would agree on donating the forum with its content...
They never said that forum will die, right?
If the domain expires...
One tiny little problem with above is that languages and geo data are pulled from Osclass domain during installation. Of course, anyone with database backup and such is fine (data is already present), but new installations will be "blank" (e.g. no other languages or geo locations can be pulled if the domain expires). If that changes in some last release, to be self contained package, then it may be OK.
Isn't Osclass script "tied" with the Market ? I mean it depends on it ?
What will happen if Market is closed ? Will the script continue to work, or not ?
Can we all send them emails and see if they respond? Someone can buy the domain and host from them... Or at least get data and publish on another domain.
I hope (for the time being) that this only affects Market, since it requires effort to run it (billing, payments processing, monitoring etc.). Forum can be left, as long as the domain/hosting lives. It is all unclear right now for how long, though. GitHub project can live as long as GitHub platform is aroung (no reason to delete the repo from there imho).
One tiny little problem with above is that languages and geo data are pulled from Osclass domain during installation. Of course, anyone with database backup and such is fine (data is already present), but new installations will be "blank" (e.g. no other languages or geo locations can be pulled if the domain expires). If that changes in some last release, to be self contained package, then it may be OK.
Isn't Osclass script "tied" with the Market ? I mean it depends on it ?
What will happen if Market is closed ? Will the script continue to work, or not ?
It's a simple fix. There's been a topic somewhere...
Can we all send them emails and see if they respond? Someone can buy the domain and host from them... Or at least get data and publish on another domain.
I doubt they'll respond on individual requests at this moment. It will all be announced officially soon, hopefully.
And, for legal reasons, I doubt it will be allowed to have that same name for some time, I mean, if you go partially commercial etc. But, that is only a technicality.
Can we all send them emails and see if they respond? Someone can buy the domain and host from them... Or at least get data and publish on another domain.
I doubt they'll respond on individual requests at this moment. It will all be announced officially soon, hopefully.
I can't wait for them to say more details, yet I'm so scared.
I discussed this end 1or 2 years ago and I said that giants like olx etc will not allow a free script to endanger their bussines. If this is the case, then the forum will not be shared/donated etc.
One tiny little problem with above is that languages and geo data are pulled from Osclass domain during installation. Of course, anyone with database backup and such is fine (data is already present), but new installations will be "blank" (e.g. no other languages or geo locations can be pulled if the domain expires). If that changes in some last release, to be self contained package, then it may be OK.
Isn't Osclass script "tied" with the Market ? I mean it depends on it ?
What will happen if Market is closed ? Will the script continue to work, or not ?
It's a simple fix. There's been a topic somewhere...
Of course it will work. The communication part is mostly for banners, Market connection, auto updates etc.
Can we all send them emails and see if they respond? Someone can buy the domain and host from them... Or at least get data and publish on another domain.
Who cares about the domain and the forum. The forum will become legacy in a few months (if it is not already).
We care about the Script. If it will be ok to use it for 1-2 years, until we find something else.
Tha funny thing is, i run an Osclass site in my country for 3 years now. BUT never managed it in technical terms. An other webmaster installed it and did all the technical maintenace for 3 years. He was excellent. But 5 months back, he told me he can't continue. And now, here i'm in a situation like this. I have little knowledge for Osclass, i'm a Wordpress guy. And Wordpress plugins for ads suck.
Can we use this "https://forums.osclass.org/index.php?wap2" to download everything and eventually publish it somewhere?
Can we all send them emails and see if they respond? Someone can buy the domain and host from them... Or at least get data and publish on another domain.
Who cares about the domain and the forum. The forum will become legacy in a few months (if it is not already).
We care about the Script. If it will be ok to use it for 1-2 years, until we find something else.
Tha funny thing is, i run an Osclass site in my country for 3 years now. BUT never managed it in technical terms. An other webmaster installed it and did all the technical maintenace for 3 years. He was excellent. But 5 months back, he told me he can't continue. And now, here i'm in a situation like this. I have little knowledge for Osclass, i'm a Wordpress guy. And Wordpress plugins for ads suck.
Not a great time for advertising, but what can I do... I may be able to help you with maintenance.
I honestly hope that devs might create another 'final' official release to remove Market parts from admin, and release geo and lang data on public platform like GitHub. That would be really great!
It's a simple fix. There's been a topic somewhere...
Simple ? Ads in Dashboard from the Market, Updates of plugins and themes ?
Not so simple, imho. Still i'm not a programmer.
Can we use this "https://forums.osclass.org/index.php?wap2" to download everything and eventually publish it somewhere?
Forum is really huge, not sure about actual database size, but I can bet it is at least few hundreds GB of data, if not TB...
It's a simple fix. There's been a topic somewhere...
Simple ? Ads in Dashboard from the Market, Updates of plugins and themes ?
Not so simple, imho. Still i'm not a programmer.
The forum helps in that part.
I honestly hope that devs might create another 'final' official release to remove Market parts from admin, and release geo and lang data on public platform like GitHub. That would be really great!
Speaking of Github, which I ain't really into... Can I publish all the free plugins and themes I am currently downloading from market there?
Yes, of course you can. There are tutorials that will show you how to do it in just few minutes from your browser alone (if you don't wish to download their GitHub client).
I guess it's better to upload there than on Google Drive.
Speaking of Github, which I ain't really into... Can I publish all the free plugins and themes I am currently downloading from market there?
Are we allowed to do that ? I mean get all free plugins and themes and upload it somewhere ?
They're free and open-source.
I will post stuff here: https://github.com/webmods-croatia/love-osclass
I guess it's better to upload there than on Google Drive.
Start with: https://github.com/new
Then, once you create a repo, click on a button "Upload new files", and just follow it from there. Couldn't be any simpler for that part, at least.
I guess it's better to upload there than on Google Drive.
Start with: https://github.com/new
Then, once you create a repo, click on a button "Upload new files", and just follow it from there. Couldn't be any simpler for that part, at least.
Got it, thanks. :)
I guess a lot of people are on the Market. It's SLOOOOW.
It would be really nice if Osclass team would make a statement over the situation they are facing.
There are quite a lot of members and I am sure a solution could be found, be it a financial of technical issue.
The important thing would be to communicate.
It would be really nice if Osclass team would make a statement over the situation they are facing.
There are quite a lot of members and I am sure a solution could be found, be it a financial of technical issue.
The important thing would be to communicate.
Fully agree. However, I'm preparing for the worst.
If anyone is interested in contributing, make a pull request on https://github.com/webmods-croatia/love-osclass/, add what you want and I'll merge it.
I think we all know that this was inevitable!
The lack of interest from the Osclass team was the signal that this was a dead project on their part. I still see a good script that can be used for classified sites, but the time will tell.
I think the future will bring the close of this forum. So regards! We had a long way! ;)
I'm working on a modifed version of osclass. So far so good.. reduced memory usage and timing on 50%. We can have a better script than original osclass . A lot of core changes .. but worth the effort. Available soon .
I'm working on a modifed version of osclass. So far so good.. reduced memory usage and timing on 50%. We can have a better script than original osclass . A lot of core changes .. but worth the effort. Available soon .
This is awesome! Got it on Github to check it out?
I think we all know that this was inevitable!
The lack of interest from the Osclass team was the signal that this was a dead project on their part. I still see a good script that can be used for classified sites, but the time will tell.
I think the future will bring the close of this forum. So regards! We had a long way! ;)
Don't give up just yet... ;)
Any faster way to download this "https://geo.osclass.org/downloads/" than clicking on one by one?
I will post stuff here: https://github.com/webmods-croatia/love-osclass
I already see that you set out to help the community. It's nice to have them all in one place. Good Job! Keep it up.
I am going to download onto my hard drive as much as I could from the Osclass Marketplace. My only concern is that without this forum, support will be lost for this script unless someone comes forward to establish a similar forum.
I'm working on a modifed version of osclass. So far so good.. reduced memory usage and timing on 50%. We can have a better script than original osclass . A lot of core changes .. but worth the effort. Available soon .
This will be interesting.
I will post stuff here: https://github.com/webmods-croatia/love-osclass
I already see that you set out to help the community. It's nice to have them all in one place. Good Job! Keep it up.
I am going to download onto my hard drive as much as I could from the Osclass Marketplace. My only concern is that without this forum, support will be lost for this script unless someone comes forward to establish a similar forum.
I am trying to do as much as I can. I have 2 Osclass sites and I maintain and make plugins for a lot of Osclass sites...
If they decide to take the forum down, we can together make a new one... It's not a hard job.
Any faster way to download this "https://geo.osclass.org/downloads/" than clicking on one by one?
You could parse the html with php and download it all at once automatically. Or, extract all .sql links and use download manager.
Any faster way to download this "https://geo.osclass.org/downloads/" than clicking on one by one?
You could parse the html with php and download it all at once automatically. Or, extract all .sql links and use download manager.
I thought of that but once I seen how quickly it downloads I started manually, 70% done.
I don't think they will shut down the forum soon. That would not be appropriate.
All locations added.
Next step will be to copy all pages from Osclass documentation. Especially the one about installing themes, plugins, languages, and locations.
I don't think they will shut down the forum soon. That would not be appropriate.
You never know... We all hope they won't.
Damn, I hate this "last reply was 30 secs ago".
Can someone find the topic about removing ties from Osclass site to Market? I knew they talked how the site was slow and the solution was to remove Market code.
I discussed this end 1or 2 years ago and I said that giants like olx etc will not allow a free script to endanger their bussines. If this is the case, then the forum will not be shared/donated etc.
These giants of innovation are literally dying and leaving giant voids as talent and documentation fade away. This is a trend that many of us already are aware of. Anything open source is like tumbleweed blowing in the dust. Big business does not need to buy up any these innovations. They nearly need to play the waiting game. Many of these programmers started with basic html skills. Virtually anyone could start up a script with little skill. But after 20 years the entire internetscape has become unrecognizable as hackers see how easy it is to take down the majority of websites. Big business is rounding up phd's to handle their long term corporate website planning. Years ago, one guy could know everything. Now, you need one guy for every aspect of an e commerce website. ie...SSL. php, mysql, css, apache, firewalls, encryption, two step authentication, ipv6, the list goes on and on and on. One guy cant do it all anymore.
Places like Zencart have lost many of their founders to age and sickness. Centos CWP forum is dead, one post every couple of days. And if you havent heard, the founder of OpenClipArt.org was murdered by the Syrian regime. So Openclipart is now dead for entirely different reasons than the normal reasons.
The future of the internet is not so Rosie in my humble opinion. Just as in the social world, there will be the haves and the havenots. The bloom has fallen off the rose for sure. Places like FB are the real threat for classifieds software. I use FB marketplace way more than anywhere else. Not many people are even aware of Marketplace. So they (FB) will experience tremendous growth in the years ahead.
And all of my best case scenarios are based on a global growth assumption. If war, or recessions start happening then the internet will really suffer.
Even the big fortune 500 companies will face extreme shortages in talent.
The end of osclass is just the beginning.
I don't think they will shut down the forum soon. That would not be appropriate.
You never know... We all hope they won't.
Damn, I hate this "last reply was 30 secs ago".
I mean, they will not suddenly close it. As i said they could make it READ ONLY and put it somewhere for a couple years. After 2 years there will be of no value.
I will post stuff here: https://github.com/webmods-croatia/love-osclass
I already see that you set out to help the community. It's nice to have them all in one place. Good Job! Keep it up.
I am going to download onto my hard drive as much as I could from the Osclass Marketplace. My only concern is that without this forum, support will be lost for this script unless someone comes forward to establish a similar forum.
I am trying to do as much as I can. I have 2 Osclass sites and I maintain and make plugins for a lot of Osclass sites...
If they decide to take the forum down, we can together make a new one... It's not a hard job.
So you want to start a new forum? Whats the point? NONE of the posts on the forum today are even replied to. The forum is dead and there is no point in even thing about bringing out the paddles.
Can someone find the topic about removing ties from Osclass site to Market? I knew they talked how the site was slow and the solution was to remove Market code.
I guess (!!!) Osclass Team will have the last word on that, as dev101 posted above. A final stripped Osclass release.
Or a programmer that knows Osclass could do it.
I will post stuff here: https://github.com/webmods-croatia/love-osclass
I already see that you set out to help the community. It's nice to have them all in one place. Good Job! Keep it up.
I am going to download onto my hard drive as much as I could from the Osclass Marketplace. My only concern is that without this forum, support will be lost for this script unless someone comes forward to establish a similar forum.
I am trying to do as much as I can. I have 2 Osclass sites and I maintain and make plugins for a lot of Osclass sites...
If they decide to take the forum down, we can together make a new one... It's not a hard job.
So you want to start a new forum? Whats the point? NONE of the posts on the forum today are even replied to. The forum is dead and there is no point in even thing about bringing out the paddles.
NONE? I am checking the forum every day, trying to reply as much as I can... I can't reply to every topic.
So you want to start a new forum? Whats the point? NONE of the posts on the forum today are even replied to. The forum is dead and there is no point in even thing about bringing out the paddles.
So true. What is needed is not a forum like this but a place (a forum, haha) that will gather people that care to have this project alive for a while, until the next step. Osclass or something else.
Also running a forum is not that easy. Install a forum ? yes. Running / maintaining / paying for a forum is not an easy and cheap task.
https://github.com/webmods-croatia/love-osclass/wiki/ - documentation taken from osclass.org will be added here.
Can someone find the topic about removing ties from Osclass site to Market? I knew they talked how the site was slow and the solution was to remove Market code.
It is really easy, but... for the time being I'll simply wait with that step. First, GitHub repo resolution, then mods etc.
Can someone find the topic about removing ties from Osclass site to Market? I knew they talked how the site was slow and the solution was to remove Market code.
It is really easy, but... for the time being I'll simply wait with that step. First, GitHub repo resolution, then mods etc.
Ok. :)
This is just one of the companies out there that had to shutdown projects for lack of sufficient developers.
Think about all of the other small fish in the pond. They wont make it.
Developers make the big mistake of making their work to complex for the general public at large to implement.
Developers assume that just because they are learning every day that so are all of the secretaries, office managers and grandparents are learning too. Thats a bigass assumption. Secretaries, office managers and grandparents will be just as stupid in the next 20 years as they are today.
This is just one of the companies out there that had to shutdown projects for lack of sufficient developers.
Think about all of the other small fish in the pond. They wont make it.
Developers make the big mistake of making their work to complex for the general public at large to implement.
Developers assume that just because they are learning every day that so are all of the secretaries, office managers and grandparents are learning too. Thats a bigass assumption. Secretaries, office managers and grandparents will be just as stupid in the next 20 years as they are today.
But from what i understand (reading here), the main problem of Osclass is not that. I have no idea what actually is.
Also why anyone from Osclass is not providing some information about all that ?
Personally i will start searching for an alternative, probably under Wordpress (because i do know Wordpress).
A good positive news for now, this is what I received as a Developer. Good part is in blue color:
Dear Osclass Market Developer,
We regret to inform you that the Osclass Market will be closing down on September 5th. As of that date, Market developer accounts will not be accessible. Pending sales will be settled in the upcoming months. In the event that you have support threads currently open with your users, if they request it, we will provide your email address so they can contact you. If you prefer we provide a different address for support, please reply to this email.
We would like to thank you for your effort and the trust you put in this project throughout the years. Unfortunately, we have not been able to turn this venture into a profitable business. Osclass, as a free software project, will be accessible and open to everyone as before, so we encourage you to continue developing plugins and themes for all of the users who still rely on our script.
We apologize for any inconvenience that the Osclass Market closure may cause you.
Osclass Team
So, the project will be available (on GitHub), not sure about website and forums, though.
Also why anyone from Osclass is not providing some information about all that ?
We would like to thank you for your effort and the trust you put in this project throughout the years. Unfortunately, we have not been able to turn this venture into a profitable business. Osclass, as a free software project, will be accessible and open to everyone as before, so we encourage you to continue developing plugins and themes for all of the users who still rely on our script.
A good positive news for now, this is what I received as a Developer. Good part is in blue color:
Dear Osclass Market Developer,
We regret to inform you that the Osclass Market will be closing down on September 5th. As of that date, Market developer accounts will not be accessible. Pending sales will be settled in the upcoming months. In the event that you have support threads currently open with your users, if they request it, we will provide your email address so they can contact you. If you prefer we provide a different address for support, please reply to this email.
We would like to thank you for your effort and the trust you put in this project throughout the years. Unfortunately, we have not been able to turn this venture into a profitable business. Osclass, as a free software project, will be accessible and open to everyone as before, so we encourage you to continue developing plugins and themes for all of the users who still rely on our script.
We apologize for any inconvenience that the Osclass Market closure may cause you.
Osclass Team
So, the website and forums will be available for the time being.
/* I have edited my remark about website and forums - there is no clear indication about it though */
Yes, they don't tell anything about what will happen with the sites...
Well, I expect then that Osclass Team will soon make an official announcement here in the forums, so we'll get all the answers.
I added Wiki on the repo with a tutorial on how to import locations and hook list which is very precious to me... ;)
I'm done for today. Now we wait for their reply and then I'll see do I need to add anything else.
I hope that closing down thing will only be limited to osclass market and not all osclass community. Btw I have also maintained a separate forked osclass repo at https://github.com/navjottomer/Osclass (https://github.com/navjottomer/Osclass). I have done lots of work on this in past but due to not that much response from the community, I stalled it further. I request all other devs to merge their project or add a pull request if they are interested. Together we can make this situation better.
I hope that closing down thing will only be limited to osclass market and not all osclass community. Btw I have also maintained a separate forked osclass repo at https://github.com/navjottomer/Osclass (https://github.com/navjottomer/Osclass). I have done lots of work on this in past but due to not that much response from the community, I stalled it further. I request all other devs to merge their project or add a pull request if they are interested. Together we can make this situation better.
Interesting... This situation may make us stronger, and Osclass better.
@ navjottomer
In my opinion, all those forks (there were at least one or two more) were doomed in a way right from the start, as long as the official one is/was present. I, for one, never wanted to invest a limited time to some other forks I wasn't sure they'll live. I've made some minor PRs in the meantime to the official one.
On the other side, once and if this transition happens, e.g. Osclass Team adds other devs to the project with ownership right, so that they can make PRs and merge them directly into, we can then start maintaining it forward. I wonder why there was never an open question for help, I also wanted few times to offer help (for free), when I was most active, yet... I did not. And it was never asked.
In any case, hopefully it will be all clear in a day or two.
We would like to thank you for your effort and the trust you put in this project throughout the years. Unfortunately, we have not been able to turn this venture into a profitable business.
Osclass, as a free software project, will be accessible and open to everyone as before, so we encourage you to continue developing plugins and themes for all of the users who still rely on our script.
I agree with you. I offered them the help and I originally maintained that fork for the same reason but seeing that they are not entertaining any existing pull request from a long time and I stopped there.
I still do maintain a customised copy of osclass for my website tuffclassified.com for which I initially started to use osclass.
We would like to thank you for your effort and the trust you put in this project throughout the years. Unfortunately, we have not been able to turn this venture into a profitable business.
Osclass, as a free software project, will be accessible and open to everyone as before, so we encourage you to continue developing plugins and themes for all of the users who still rely on our script.
Thanks for the info. But I am still confused, will this project move further bypassing the osclass market thing? In the last 1-2 year, nothing really happened with the core osclass script, I hope this will not continue and all focus will again be on osclass.
I hope this will not continue and all focus will again be on osclass.
That would be great. But it is hard to believe in it.
Hi Patrick,
Is anyone interested in making a new site for plugins, a new Market? I can help with development, hosting, everything. We need a new site for this... Maybe we can aswell download all locations and languages and publish them.
I don't understand - if you can help with development, hosting, everything - then please clarify what else is left to do or what you need from us? If you are just asking if anyone is interested at all - in that case, yes I am interested and I assume many users are too.
You have already done a great job with all the free plugins by posting them on github and if you want to create a new market, that is great too but if creating a market is a harder task then may I ask (before the osclass market is shut down) would it be possible to make a website that will have information about all the paid plugins. So, basically it is not a marketplace and no ecommerce but just a place to see what plugins are available for purchase and where they can purchase it from ie. each item will provide a link or contact information of the developer where users can purchase it from. Perhaps use osclass script to create a website and get all information from market regarding existing paid plugins - then any visitor can fill in the contact form on the item page and it will get emailed to the developer and from that point the user will deal with the developer to purchase the script or for any support. Developers can also later submit any information on new plugins to this osclass website.
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...
The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...
The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?
I guess, a site similar to what Wordpress had structured would be a simple solution without much of a hassle. Please have a look at the following:
This way users can be directed straight to developers' sites to download free/paid themes and plugins.
I will be using osclass for the rest of my life, i'll always be here to support it as much as i can with whoever continues it.
count me in
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...
The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?
I guess, a site similar to what Wordpress had structured would be a simple solution without much of a hassle. Please have a look at the following:
This way users can be directed straight to developers' sites to download free/paid themes and plugins.
Yes, something like that. I already have free plugins and themes hosted so I can just put links to them...
@Resta asked what do I need from all you...
Depending on the site visits, I would maybe need a better hosting than my VPS (which hosts one site currently). Maybe some of you people has a hosting company?
I can pay for the domain (let's see what will happen with osclass domains) - we can pick one together.
Development - I am looking at a simple Osclass site - just adding some more fields at registration and ad post.
Moderators - this is where a lot of people can contribute. I give you a moderator account (I guess admin too) so you check for spam etc. when you have time.
I will be using osclass for the rest of my life, i'll always be here to support it as much as i can with whoever continues it.
count me in
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...
The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?
I guess, a site similar to what Wordpress had structured would be a simple solution without much of a hassle. Please have a look at the following:
This way users can be directed straight to developers' sites to download free/paid themes and plugins.
are your offer to do all in WP?
what is size of all free plugins and themes?
i have good VPS and nice domain name
Sorry for my English.
Anyone can get sick, abyss, die.
Therefore, we need a team, only in this case we can count on the fact that the project will not die.
I see some interest here from a few developers, but not from people who actually uses Osclass for a production website.
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...
The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?
I guess, a site similar to what Wordpress had structured would be a simple solution without much of a hassle. Please have a look at the following:
This way users can be directed straight to developers' sites to download free/paid themes and plugins.
are your offer to do all in WP?
what is size of all free plugins and themes?
i have good VPS and nice domain name
It's a site for Osclass. I want it to be in Osclass. It makes sense.
Free plugins on themes are on Github and we can just link them.
I see some interest here from a few developers, but not from people who actually uses Osclass for a production website.
My site with 100k views a month: zelenioglasnik.com.hr
I see some interest here from a few developers, but not from people who actually uses Osclass for a production website.
My site with 100k views a month: zelenioglasnik.com.hr
Sure but look at this topic, 10 people participate, most of them developers.
Where are the real users of Osclass ? Osclass sent thousands of emails about Market to shut down, still where are those people who got it ?
I see some interest here from a few developers, but not from people who actually uses Osclass for a production website.
My site with 100k views a month: zelenioglasnik.com.hr
Sure but look at this topic, 10 people participate, most of them developers.
Where are the real users of Osclass ? Osclass sent thousands of emails about Market to shut down, still where are those people who got it ?
I talked to a few guys that I work for, only one of them posted in this topic, others are waiting to see what will Osclass say about forums.
I talked to a few guys that I work for, only one of them posted in this topic, others are waiting to see what will Osclass say about forums.
What is that fixation about the forums ? The real problem is if Osclass script will be able to survive the next 1-2 years.
The real problem are security updates, things that MUST change and/or be updated, not the forums.
There are SO MANY things wrong in that script, that probably when introduced were maistream and ok. Now they are outdated.
Like Country/City/State selection. Everybody uses now Postal Codes.
Like the ability to post ONE ad to several (or all) country/cities/States.
Like a proper 2019 html post editor. Like in Wordpress.
I could make a list with all that ..... This is why i talk about real webmasters participating here.
github not good idea.
in our office it is blocked by paloalto filtering system, it is company policy.
more over this fwall rules are applied in many companies, for some reason.
what I offer domain name and VPS server.
what is the size of all free plugins and themes - any idea?
github not good idea.
in our office it is blocked by paloalto filtering system, it is company policy.
more over this fwall rules are applied in many companies, for some reason.
what I offer domain name and VPS server.
what is the size of all free plugins and themes - any idea?
GIT is a good idea, IF development will follow. Not for just storage/backup.
For the rest (forum etc etc), NOBODY will trust anyone overtalking that, if random people. NOBODY will invest time if "someone" makes just a forum.
Same for the script. NOBODY will trust to run a script on a production site. Right now Osclass is a team and a company, we know and trust.
Also i see here an other risk: it seems many people will create (or already have created) their own versions or forums and that means that a SPLIT will happen in many places. And that is NOT good for a project. ALL split attempts will not make it. They will die.
github not good idea.
in our office it is blocked by paloalto filtering system, it is company policy.
more over this fwall rules are applied in many companies, for some reason.
what I offer domain name and VPS server.
what is the size of all free plugins and themes - any idea?
GIT is a good idea, IF development will follow. Not for just storage/backup.
For the rest (forum etc etc), NOBODY will trust anyone overtalking that, if random people. NOBODY will invest time if "someone" makes just a forum.
Same for the script. NOBODY will trust to run a script on a production site. Right now Osclass is a team and a company, we know and trust.
Also i see here an other risk: it seems many people will create (or already have created) their own versions or forums and that means that a SPLIT will happen in many places. And that is NOT good for a project. ALL split attempts will not make it. They will die.
this is only talking.
then you need to offer something too.
this is only talking.
then you need to offer something too.
I'm sorry, i thought this is what we do here, talk.
As for offers (and yours) apparently you have no idea what it would take to takeover THIS forum and HOST it. And maintain it. Your VPS offer, will die in a sec. Right now they are hosted at Amazon.
FORUMS ARE IMPORTANT because of all the solutions to many problems that are posted and because we talk about this. Here. Now.
We must wait for Osclass to say what will happen with forums and what will happen with their Github repo. If they give access to us developers, we can start maintaining and improving it. Otherwise we need to start a new one, because there are a lot of improved versions that are split in a bunch of repos.
github not good idea.
in our office it is blocked by paloalto filtering system, it is company policy.
more over this fwall rules are applied in many companies, for some reason.
what I offer domain name and VPS server.
what is the size of all free plugins and themes - any idea?
All files I uploaded are only 70MB ( webmods-croatia/love-osclass 67.3 MB ).
The problem is that if you quit from this, you don't pay the domain, or something, all will be lost, while it will be kept on Github.
As soon as I get time (I'll try this week) I will start making a copy of Market, currently only for free products.
"But why, they're hosted on Github?"
The download links will lead to Github, and if @safeacid can host them, I'll add his download links too.
The main reason for doing it to make it simpler to download and install stuff for less experienced users.
FORUMS ARE IMPORTANT because of all the solutions to many problems that are posted and because we talk about this. Here. Now.
The most important is what will happen with the script. If it will be continued, updated, improved. And of cource by WHO.
The rest are just technicalities and easy to do/fix.
Searching Google for "osclass free plugins themes" i see that most free Market plugins and themes are actually available in many different places.
So nothing to worry about lost plugins etc etc.
FORUMS ARE IMPORTANT because of all the solutions to many problems that are posted and because we talk about this. Here. Now.
The most important is what will happen with the script. If it will be continued, updated, improved. And of cource by WHO.
The rest are just technicalities and easy to do/fix.
@Web-Media, @dev-101, @navjottomer and me. We all said we'll work on it. Some of us already forked Osclass and made it better. Now we will need to, once again WAIT and see what Osclass will say. It would be great if we get permissions to merge their Osclass versions with original Osclass.
this is only talking.
then you need to offer something too.
I'm sorry, i thought this is what we do here, talk.
As for offers (and yours) apparently you have no idea what it would take to takeover THIS forum and HOST it. And maintain it. Your VPS offer, will die in a sec. Right now they are hosted at Amazon.
the hosting can be upgraded as per demand.
domain name can be paid for 10 year for begining..
But do u think the forum will be OFF too?
As far as I understand the topic only about market....isnt?
the hosting can be upgraded as per demand.
domain name can be paid for 10 year for begining..
But do u think the forum will be OFF too?
As far as I understand the topic only about market....isnt?
Who knows ? There is NO information about what will actually happen to the script. That is the most important.
Still, shuting down Market is a sign, and along with Osclass been abandonware, who knows what will suddenly happen to forums also ?
I guess of mine is is that the Forums will turn to READ ONLY and stay for some years.
Once osclass is shut down, I will pull the plug on all of my classified ads websites. There is no alternative for osclass. Be prepared to scrap all of your osclass websites. The truth is, probably 99% of osclass users are not generating any money whatsoever. That being said, no one will miss osclass.
I will be relieved when I am forced to scrap all of my sites. Its an effort to keep the classifieds visible. I spend most of my time trying to find new users. Thats a full time job. If I wasnt actively involved everyday, my osclass sites would quickly turn into a ghost town.
Once osclass is shut down, I will pull the plug on all of my classified ads websites. There is no alternative for osclass. Be prepared to scrap all of your osclass websites. The truth is, probably 99% of osclass users are not generating any money whatsoever. That being said, no one will miss osclass.
I will be relieved when I am forced to scrap all of my sites. Its an effort to keep the classifieds visible. I spend most of my time trying to find new users. Thats a full time job. If I wasnt actively involved everyday, my osclass sites would quickly turn into a ghost town.
Why would you? Osclass will still work as it did...
I doubt that 99% doesn't earn anything. As I said previously in this topic, most of my AdSense income comes from my Osclass site with 100-150k views a month. I don't spend much on advertising the site. Only a small campaign on AdWords. Also, 70% of my freelance projects are Osclass based. In fact, I got a mail from one client saying
Sad to hear that osclass market is going to be closed, I hope you still are planning to work with customers using the platform, we plan to keep on using for now.
Not sure if anybody knew that, i didn't. I found it searching for a Wordpress possible alternative in the distant future.
This plugin was closed on May 2, 2019 and is no longer available for download. Reason: Author Request.
That plugin apparently never worked anyways.
Once osclass is shut down, I will pull the plug on all of my classified ads websites. There is no alternative for osclass. Be prepared to scrap all of your osclass websites. The truth is, probably 99% of osclass users are not generating any money whatsoever. That being said, no one will miss osclass.
I will be relieved when I am forced to scrap all of my sites. Its an effort to keep the classifieds visible. I spend most of my time trying to find new users. Thats a full time job. If I wasnt actively involved everyday, my osclass sites would quickly turn into a ghost town.
Why would you? Osclass will still work as it did...
I doubt that 99% doesn't earn anything. As I said previously in this topic, most of my AdSense income comes from my Osclass site with 100-150k views a month. I don't spend much on advertising the site. Only a small campaign on AdWords. Also, 70% of my freelance projects are Osclass based. In fact, I got a mail from one client saying
Sad to hear that osclass market is going to be closed, I hope you still are planning to work with customers using the platform, we plan to keep on using for now.
Statistically, if you are getting 10,000 visitors per month, the best you can expect on click thru is 1-2%. That might buy you a whopper everyday. Hardly worth the effort. just my humble opinion.
I see some interest here from a few developers, but not from people who actually uses Osclass for a production website.
My site with 100k views a month: zelenioglasnik.com.hr
Nice, still it runs old 3.7.4 and it it hosted on the worst hosting in Europe.
Once osclass is shut down, I will pull the plug on all of my classified ads websites. There is no alternative for osclass. Be prepared to scrap all of your osclass websites. The truth is, probably 99% of osclass users are not generating any money whatsoever. That being said, no one will miss osclass.
I will be relieved when I am forced to scrap all of my sites. Its an effort to keep the classifieds visible. I spend most of my time trying to find new users. Thats a full time job. If I wasnt actively involved everyday, my osclass sites would quickly turn into a ghost town.
Why is that ? Osclass 3.8 can be used for 1-2 years without any problems, unless some huge security issue is reported. I doubt any security will be open, since apparently nobody is interested (everybody is trying to hack Wordpress nowadays).
You have at least a year to decide what to do.
I see some interest here from a few developers, but not from people who actually uses Osclass for a production website.
My site with 100k views a month: zelenioglasnik.com.hr
Nice, still it runs old 3.7.4 and it it hosted on the worst hosting in Europe.
"Old" 3.7.4 works great. I modded the site a lot and I don't need updates. From where did you get the info that my host is worst in Europe? It's based on my country and its one of the cheapest yet best hostings I used.
From where did you get the info that my host is worst in Europe? It's based on my country and its one of the cheapest yet best hostings I used.
Hetzner .... what can i say, if it works for you, then ok.
I hope that closing down thing will only be limited to osclass market and not all osclass community. Btw I have also maintained a separate forked osclass repo at https://github.com/navjottomer/Osclass (https://github.com/navjottomer/Osclass). I have done lots of work on this in past but due to not that much response from the community, I stalled it further. I request all other devs to merge their project or add a pull request if they are interested. Together we can make this situation better.
I'm not a programmer, so please be gentle.
I checked your github work and it seems you have done a LOT of work and then merged also 3.8 ? Am i right ?
Have you tested all that ? Why isn't anyone interested in that work ? It is a huge work ......
From where did you get the info that my host is worst in Europe? It's based on my country and its one of the cheapest yet best hostings I used.
Hetzner .... what can i say, if it works for you, then ok.
Hetzner? No? It's Totohost - https://totohost.hr. The data center is in Germany so it might be connected with them...
Hetzner? No? It's Totohost - https://totohost.hr. The data center is in Germany so it might be connected with them...
ISP: Hetzner Online AG
Germany, Gunzenhausen, Bayern
It IS Hetzner, apparently some reseller you use. The IPs belong to Hetzner datacenters. You should know that a lot of people block IPs from Hetzner, OVH etc because of attacks.
Once osclass is shut down, I will pull the plug on all of my classified ads websites. There is no alternative for osclass. Be prepared to scrap all of your osclass websites. The truth is, probably 99% of osclass users are not generating any money whatsoever. That being said, no one will miss osclass.
I will be relieved when I am forced to scrap all of my sites. Its an effort to keep the classifieds visible. I spend most of my time trying to find new users. Thats a full time job. If I wasnt actively involved everyday, my osclass sites would quickly turn into a ghost town.
Once, just for the fun and out of curiosity when I had plenty of free time, I replicated Osclass with WordPress and GPL plugins. Most of it was done. Interesting most time went not on functions and options Osclass has. But on blocks, layout and design. Trying to make it not to look alike Osclass theme, layout.
My personal opinion is this way is way more powerful because of WP handling of custom fields, now Gutenberg, filters, actions to extend it, etc. I would advice theoretically allways to start new classifieds script from WordPress scratch, then to continue with Osclass. Bigger community, bigger support, money invested in community is not an issue.
Takes time, it is true. But I think it is more rewarding at the end.
Once, just for the fun and out of curiosity when I had plenty of free time, I replicated Osclass with WordPress and GPL plugins. Most of it was done. Interesting most time went not on functions and options Osclass has. But on blocks, layout and design. Trying to make it not to look alike Osclass theme, layout.
My personal opinion is this way is way more powerful because of WP handling of custom fields, now Gutenberg, filters, actions to extend it, etc. I would advice theoretically allways to start new classifieds script from WordPress scratch, then to continue with Osclass. Bigger community, bigger support, money invested in community is not an issue.
Takes time, it is true. But I think it is more rewarding at the end.
The PLUS of (trying) to make a Wordpress for classifieds, is the HUGE ammount of plugins for EVERYTHING. Also some great themes that make your site visually appealing. Also you can have a Blog, a Forum, all in one.
BUT, Wordpress is not designed for Classifieds. It can "behave" like a Classifieds but lacks a LOT. Also the 2 plugins for classifieds i found (the most popular) are not good. Nothing not even close to Osclass.
There are some themes for WP that are specific for classifieds, but they are paid and i can't test.
Also pls do not post Wordpress links etc, they are deleted !
Personally i will get from here
the 3.8 modified version and try my luck in a demo site. And see how it goes.
I think that would be a good start for all you developers. Why re-invent the wheel ?
WordPress has massive support, that's true. However, out of the box regarding classifieds you really have to pull a lot mods to get what Osclass has out of the box. And then, for everything you need another plugin, since WP is virtually blank slate out of the box. Yes, there are tons of them (and many that you see, are not really free, because advanced features are payed - and for any pro service you need them), but there are compatibility issues sometimes, so you need more time to waste what works with what and so on. And, security related, many of those critical plugins are often hacked and exposed (granted, they eventually get updated, if not abandoned). As in every software, maintenance is the huge part of the deal, whether you'll hire someone, or rely on 3rd parties, that's up to you. I'm not saying WP is a bad idea, just that it has inverted counterpoints when compared to Osclass in many areas. Also, in Osclass you can really do some mods easy with functions etc. In WP not always you can pull it that way, solutions feel 'hacky' at best.
Personally i will get from here
the 3.8 modified version and try my luck in a demo site. And see how it goes.
I think that would be a good start for all you developers. Why re-invent the wheel ?
Sure, but there are also 3.8 PRs that needs to be merged. Also, update core libs, remove old unused code etc. I think Bender theme could be replaced with some other free theme as default, upgraded with jquery and other libs (mostly for security). Also, there needs to be a problem of auto-updating resolved, because, novice users might not be that knowledgeable.
GitHub is not a CDN... but could be used. Also, premium themes and plugins update management -- how will users know? So, you see, "minor" things become complex easily :)
Once, just for the fun and out of curiosity when I had plenty of free time, I replicated Osclass with WordPress and GPL plugins. Most of it was done. Interesting most time went not on functions and options Osclass has. But on blocks, layout and design. Trying to make it not to look alike Osclass theme, layout.
My personal opinion is this way is way more powerful because of WP handling of custom fields, now Gutenberg, filters, actions to extend it, etc. I would advice theoretically allways to start new classifieds script from WordPress scratch, then to continue with Osclass. Bigger community, bigger support, money invested in community is not an issue.
Takes time, it is true. But I think it is more rewarding at the end.
The PLUS of (trying) to make a Wordpress for classifieds, is the HUGE ammount of plugins for EVERYTHING. Also some great themes that make your site visually appealing. Also you can have a Blog, a Forum, all in one.
BUT, Wordpress is not designed for Classifieds. It can "behave" like a Classifieds but lacks a LOT. Also the 2 plugins for classifieds i found (the most popular) are not good. Nothing not even close to Osclass.
There are some themes for WP that are specific for classifieds, but they are paid and i can't test.
Also pls do not post Wordpress links etc, they are deleted !
Maybe I was not clear enough. I made it not from some classifieds plugin (did not even look at them). Took different plugins for whole different purposes, than directly classifieds, and tweaked and adapted them to Osclass replica. And tried not to touch core code of plugins and WP, except for one old, abandoned plugin for valuta conversions directly on site.
I think WooCommerce is bright example. Relatively rich company behind it, it means you can monetize time input. And WooCommerce needs good performance too, so it means WP can deliver it.
WordPress has massive support, that's true. However, out of the box regarding classifieds you really have to pull a lot mods to get what Osclass has out of the box. And then, for everything you need another plugin, since WP is virtually blank slate out of the box. Yes, there are tons of them (and many that you see, are not really free, because advanced features are payed - and for any pro service you need them), but there are compatibility issues sometimes, so you need more time to waste what works with what and so on. And, security related, many of those critical plugins are often hacked and exposed (granted, they eventually get updated, if not abandoned). As in every software, maintenance is the huge part of the deal, whether you'll hire someone, or rely on 3rd parties, that's up to you. I'm not saying WP is a bad idea, just that it has inverted counterpoints when compared to Osclass in many areas. Also, in Osclass you can really do some mods easy with functions etc. In WP not always you can pull it that way, solutions feel 'hacky' at best.
The problem is not what you mention above, the problem is that you CAN'T exactly replicate Osclass in WP. You can't. Maybe it is a plugin thing, maybe something else, i dunno. The existing WP plugins just can't. I have even tried some "directory" plugins to turn them to classifieds, the result is poor.
The results are visually great but not good for structure and ads etc etc.
Personally i will get from here
the 3.8 modified version and try my luck in a demo site. And see how it goes.
I think that would be a good start for all you developers. Why re-invent the wheel ?
Sure, but there are also 3.8 PRs that needs to be merged. Also, update core libs, remove old unused code etc. I think Bender theme could be replaced with some other free theme as default, upgraded with jquery and other libs (mostly for security). Also, there needs to be a problem of auto-updating resolved, because, novice users might not be that knowledgeable.
GitHub is not a CDN... but could be used. Also, premium themes and plugins update management -- how will users know? So, you see, "minor" things become complex easily :)
I have no idea what 3.8PRs are :'(
I get what you say, but it is a START.
Next i guess someone must un-dress Osclass 3.8 from Osclass Market / Updates and generally any connection with Osclass servers.
And the rest you say.
But again this guy at the github has done a lot of work already (you seem to be a developer, are his changes good or bad ?).
Maybe I was not clear enough. I made it not from some classifieds plugin (did not even look at them). Took different plugins for whole different purposes, than directly classifieds, and tweaked and adapted them to Osclass replica. And tried not to touch core code of plugins and WP, except for one old, abandoned plugin for valuta conversions directly on site.
I think WooCommerce is bright example. Relatively rich company behind it, it means you can monetize time input. And WooCommerce needs good performance too, so it means WP can deliver it.
Ok, now it is more clear. Without mentioning names and urls, can you give us an example ? What kind of plugins ?
Undressing is a step that is very easy to perform. I am not concerned with that part much. What I am worried about is the update notification process and such, if the script will have some meaningful life. I mean, it can be stripped from that all-together, of course. Navjot's changes are all good, most of them were known bugs/issues reported here and on official GitHub project, no worries.
Undressing is a step that is very easy to perform. I am not concerned with that part much. What I am worried about is the update notification process and such, if the script will have some meaningful life. I mean, it can be stripped from that all-together, of course. Navjot's changes are all good, most of them were known bugs/issues reported here and on official GitHub project, no worries.
Ok then. Also i see that the theme i use (Osclasswizards) is (or will) be moved to github since apparently they left Osclass business also.
That could also replace Bender. After been improved/changed.
What i see is a lot of work and not sure who will do all that. And why.
Anyway, first we must wait to see (if any) response from Osclass team about all that.
Hetzner? No? It's Totohost - https://totohost.hr. The data center is in Germany so it might be connected with them...
ISP: Hetzner Online AG
Germany, Gunzenhausen, Bayern
It IS Hetzner, apparently some reseller you use. The IPs belong to Hetzner datacenters. You should know that a lot of people block IPs from Hetzner, OVH etc because of attacks.
Whatever, no problems at all for 7 years already.
All this is happening because the script did not produce enough money. So if any of you want to save it to make money, it's a dead end. If you want to save it to build it so it won't need plugins and to have all the funcionalities in it's core then it will survive, but still, will not produce money for the devs.
Undressing is a step that is very easy to perform. I am not concerned with that part much. What I am worried about is the update notification process and such, if the script will have some meaningful life. I mean, it can be stripped from that all-together, of course. Navjot's changes are all good, most of them were known bugs/issues reported here and on official GitHub project, no worries.
Ok then. Also i see that the theme i use (Osclasswizards) is (or will) be moved to github since apparently they left Osclass business also.
That could also replace Bender. After been improved/changed.
What i see is a lot of work and not sure who will do all that. And why.
Anyway, first we must wait to see (if any) response from Osclass team about all that.
Try to be more positive for once. We can do it...
Why? Because we all love Osclass.
Try to be more positive for once. We can do it...
Why? Because we all love Osclass.
It is not a matter of positive or negative or pure love. Marius posted above his view.
Anyway, we will se how it goes.
WordPress has massive support, that's true. However, out of the box regarding classifieds you really have to pull a lot mods to get what Osclass has out of the box. And then, for everything you need another plugin, since WP is virtually blank slate out of the box. Yes, there are tons of them (and many that you see, are not really free, because advanced features are payed - and for any pro service you need them), but there are compatibility issues sometimes, so you need more time to waste what works with what and so on. And, security related, many of those critical plugins are often hacked and exposed (granted, they eventually get updated, if not abandoned). As in every software, maintenance is the huge part of the deal, whether you'll hire someone, or rely on 3rd parties, that's up to you. I'm not saying WP is a bad idea, just that it has inverted counterpoints when compared to Osclass in many areas. Also, in Osclass you can really do some mods easy with functions etc. In WP not always you can pull it that way, solutions feel 'hacky' at best.
The problem is not what you mention above, the problem is that you CAN'T exactly replicate Osclass in WP. You can't. Maybe it is a plugin thing, maybe something else, i dunno. The existing WP plugins just can't. I have even tried some "directory" plugins to turn them to classifieds, the result is poor.
The results are visually great but not good for structure and ads etc etc.
I did it. Just matter of planing and thinking. For examples, Contact form plugin is just that. Use it for classified reporting, contact seller, after registration or not, contact owner od fite, etc. Why not ?
Custom fields, use it for prices, all classified attributes, photos, seller´s map adress, seller´s video(s), etc. Why not ? Unlimited possibilities. Contact seller via integrated comments.
Not everything is of course done with plugins. Plenty of custom functions code, as example code to limit what seller can see and access.
But enough about that. It is not time and place for it. Just mentioned it as own experience that it is possible. It is hard of course, specially first time. Needs pencil and paper, or PC note, and writing all down and planning, to save (first) time.
Just saying it is a bit safer approach, to not end in few years with the same topic as this one, and complaining about Osclass fork gone.
Try to be more positive for once. We can do it...
Why? Because we all love Osclass.
It is not a matter of positive or negative or pure love. Marius posted above his view.
Anyway, we will se how it goes.
I agree with that and with Marius, but there is no script like Osclass. Yes, you have Wordpress and Joomla, etc, but they're nowhere close to Osclass.
I want to improve it and I want it to last for years to go...
Money is important....
Charge for the script... 25 to 50 Euros it's a reasonable price, Rebuild osclass site and add adsense in all the pages, with a rank of 68,717 for sure will get some ggod revenue from adsense , Get partnership between hosting's company's and osclass, Place on the market just plugins and themes developed by osclass… I saw some developers, continuously producing very nice themes and plugins, and get some revenue from them... Listen the users, improve the script.... If the peoples have a profitable sites using osClass for sure they will by osclass script
Best Regards
Maybe I was not clear enough. I made it not from some classifieds plugin (did not even look at them). Took different plugins for whole different purposes, than directly classifieds, and tweaked and adapted them to Osclass replica. And tried not to touch core code of plugins and WP, except for one old, abandoned plugin for valuta conversions directly on site.
I think WooCommerce is bright example. Relatively rich company behind it, it means you can monetize time input. And WooCommerce needs good performance too, so it means WP can deliver it.
Ok, now it is more clear. Without mentioning names and urls, can you give us an example ? What kind of plugins ?
Some of them:
- SyncFields
- Stream
- CF7
- Ajax Pagination and Infinite Scroll
- Canvas Image Resize
- Edit Post Expire
- GDPR Plugin
- QR Codes
- Currency Converter (customized core code by me, not original anymore)
- Plugin Organizer, some Minify and cache plugin to give it max performance.
- Regenerate images/thumbnails
- Search & Filter (this one and AFC Pro need paid licences if something more is needed. But so is (was) that with many Osclass good addons)
- Some plugin for User´s Avatars, profile photos.
- WP-PostViews (as help for admins)
- Post Expirator
- Own custom plugin with different code snippets
- Email & Social networks login (any would work)
- Auto Prune Posts
- Some Database cleaner
- Some Google maps plugin that works with custom fields
- Post Meta Revisions (limited to 3 last, to be able to show publicly seller´s last 3 price (mind) changes
- Relevanssi (search index)
- Manual code for custom post types, but there is Pods plugin to make it easier. (Osclass classifieds categories)
This one is really not needed as it is nothing seller is aware of. But makes life of website developer so easy and makes it unlimited with possibilities to extend things in the future without disturbing website and users. Custom attributes per category, User permissions, custom set of custom fields per category, all...
It was before the Gutenberg era. Maybe will have some time in the future to try it with Gutenberg. I am still skinny with Gutenberg coding, have to spend some time learning first.
I think osclass team focus since the beginning in selling Plugins and themes from other developpers… With this only get the 10% of margin... Why not develop your own, and only your own... Why I will buy a plugin or theme from a developer in osclass market if I can buy it cheaper, I never saw a message system made by osclass team, I never saw a newsletter system build by osClass team....
Best Regards
I think osclass team focus since the beginning in selling Plugins and themes from other developpers… With this only get the 10% of margin... Why not develop your own, and only your own... Why I will buy a plugin or theme from a developer in osclass market if I can buy it cheaper, I never saw a message system made by osclass team, I never saw a newsletter system build by osClass team....
Best Regards
Well clearly, Osclass team were/are great for programming and developing but not for business.
I think osclass team focus since the beginning in selling Plugins and themes from other developpers… With this only get the 10% of margin... Why not develop your own, and only your own... Why I will buy a plugin or theme from a developer in osclass market if I can buy it cheaper, I never saw a message system made by osclass team, I never saw a newsletter system build by osClass team....
Best Regards
They actually get 30% of the plugin price.
I have an idea about how the update system would work.
Latest Osclass is available at a certain GitHub repository. Every time a bigger change is made, we update a file called e.g. "last-version.txt".
In Osclass admin, we check the Osclass version and then connect to repo and check it's "last-version.txt".
If "last-version" > "current-version" we perform an update by fetching changes from GitHub.
"How will you do that with PHP?"
Well, I came to this idea when I found git-php, a Git library for PHP: https://github.com/czproject/git-php
Some Git code (can be adapted to PHP with git-php): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53163258/how-to-compare-and-update-local-repo-with-remote-github-repo
I have an idea about how the update system would work.
Latest Osclass is available at a certain GitHub repository. Every time a bigger change is made, we update a file called e.g. "last-version.txt".
In Osclass admin, we check the Osclass version and then connect to repo and check it's "last-version.txt".
If "last-version" > "current-version" we perform an update by fetching changes from GitHub.
"How will you do that with PHP?"
Well, I came to this idea when I found git-php, a Git library for PHP: https://github.com/czproject/git-php
Some Git code (can be adapted to PHP with git-php): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53163258/how-to-compare-and-update-local-repo-with-remote-github-repo
Same can be made with free plugins and themes. I don't know about paid ones though. If they have a private repo, can a password be sent to access it?
For premium ones a simple notification can be enough for start, because there will be no centralized system of a sort.
For premium ones a simple notification can be enough for start, because there will be no centralized system of a sort.
Yes, that would be okay.
I just send a mail to Osclass, asking if they will post an official announcement on Forums. I doubt they'll see it, but I tried...
Now that I finished backing up everything, what is the next step? I have some spare time before going on holidays and want to help as much as I can.
Now that I finished backing up everything, what is the next step? I have some spare time before going on holidays and want to help as much as I can.
we know about market.osclass.org
what about other subdomains and main domain
are they also will be OFF ???
Now that I finished backing up everything, what is the next step? I have some spare time before going on holidays and want to help as much as I can.
we know about market.osclass.org
what about other subdomains and main domain
are they also will be OFF ???
Not confirmed yet.
For me is enough... I don't have nothing else to say....
osClass need to Clarify all situation...
1- osClass market will be closed in 5th September...
2- The site will close???? When???
3- The Forum will close??? When???
4- 3.8.0 Will be the last version of osClass????? Nothing else will be done on core script????
5- They will close all activity... osClass core upgrade??? Forum activity??? Or osclass team still do some kind of things related with osClass???
We need a clear clarification about all aspects of osClass… I think we deserve that, we help during the years buying themes and plugins in their market...
Best Regards
For me is enough... I don't have nothing else to say....
osClass need to Clarify all situation...
1- osClass market will be closed in 5th September...
2- The site will close???? When???
3- The Forum will close??? When???
4- 3.8.0 Will be the last version of osClass????? Nothing else will be done on core script????
5- They will close all activity... osClass core upgrade??? Forum activity??? Or osclass team still do some kind of things related with osClass???
We need a clear clarification about all aspects of osClass… I think we deserve that, we help during the years buying themes and plugins in their market...
Best Regards
1. Yes.
2. Not clarified.
3. Not clarified.
4. As of Osclass Team, no. But other developers are working on their improved Osclass versions.
5. They already stopped making new versions a while ago.
4. As of Osclass Team, no. But other developers are working on their improved Osclass versions.
Witch developers??? Not good idea have 2 or 3 Dev Versions.... How we know when a new version is available?????
I posted an idea few topis later about a new update system that will look for updates on GitHub (for modified versions).
4. As of Osclass Team, no. But other developers are working on their improved Osclass versions.
Witch developers??? Not good idea have 2 or 3 Dev Versions.... How we know when a new version is available?????
Well this is what i'm afraid of. Several developers, going their own way. While there i already a version to start with on github, that i posted above.
But i guess everyone wants the glory.
4. As of Osclass Team, no. But other developers are working on their improved Osclass versions.
Witch developers??? Not good idea have 2 or 3 Dev Versions.... How we know when a new version is available?????
Well this is what i'm afraid of. Several developers, going their own way. While there i already a version to start with on github, that i posted above.
But i guess everyone wants the glory.
Well, we should all agree on which version we want to use and start improving it more.
Give me work and I'll do it. What features do you want to be integrated into the core? I recently made a plugin for User custom fields (still didn't manage to publish it) but I would love to see it in the core.
I'm not a programmer or developer. Right now i'm uploading the version of Navjot Tomer's github, to check how it goes.
I'm uploading it in a demo site that runs 3.8 with plugins.
So here is a first step. Where can we post our findings ? Github ?
I wrote above that "everyone wants the glory". I want to explain what i mean, so people do not take it wrong. There was a question from me about Navjot Tomer's mod at github, if anybody saw that and if it is ok. The reply i got, was that it is ok, since most of the changes Navjot Tomer did were either reported/fixed here or at Osclass github.
Now, again i'm not a programmer, but i'm not BLIND also. The changes Navjot Tomer did, were HUGE. Where are the reports and fixes posted here ? I searched, found zero. Also not at Osclass github. A neglected area there.
So what i already understand is that Navjot Tomer's work is under estimated.
If this project SPLIT in 10 different devs, it will be dead for sure.
If you have any suggestions of find bugs, post an Issue on his GitHub repo.
I would like to go with navjottamer.
iam in osclass since 2013. osclass is very good cms for classified website. and it was open source, plugins and themes was free.
but some users want advance themes. and they hired from this forum.
that time osclass team considerate on osclass core updates.
after they findout there is lot of transection going on the forum. thay want to take over.
they ban or controlled to sell. they forced to list on osclass market they need 30%.
they not allow us to do pm in form.
when they see the money they forget about the osclass. and they were busy increating own themes and plugins, improve the maket, distribute the payments.
Also they advertised thir own products as "Made by osclass team" which is dump others. many of good developers (Madhouse, teseo, frostick, drizzlethemes)leaves. i have submit many improvements idea in gihub. they created a voice.osclass.com for it. id dont know where it goes now.
simply there is no osclass team. there is a single man behind it. the team was destroyed when the market came. maybe share issue.
PACKAGES in the market, it so annoying first two pages full of packages no individual product. how can people buy? and they take over the demo of products. whey the dump with default things. and own ads to earn who will buy a theme if there is a demo like this.
now tell me who is the reason?
I would like to go with navjottamer.
iam in osclass since 2013. osclass is very good cms for classified website. and it was open source, plugins and themes was free.
but some users want advance themes. and they hired from this forum.
that time osclass team considerate on osclass core updates.
after they findout there is lot of transection going on the forum. thay want to take over.
they ban or controlled to sell. they forced to list on osclass market they need 30%.
they not allow us to do pm in form.
when they see the money they forget about the osclass. and they were busy increating own themes and plugins, improve the maket, distribute the payments.
Also they advertised thir own products as "Made by osclass team" which is dump others. many of good developers (Madhouse, teseo, frostick, drizzlethemes)leaves. i have submit many improvements idea in gihub. they created a voice.osclass.com for it. id dont know where it goes now.
simply there is no osclass team. there is a single man behind it. the team was destroyed when the market came. maybe share issue.
PACKAGES in the market, it so annoying first two pages full of packages no individual product. how can people buy? and they take over the demo of products. whey the dump with default things. and own ads to earn who will buy a theme if there is a demo like this.
now tell me who is the reason?
I agree with you about @navjot. I want to see what @Web-Media will say as they also have a very modified version.
It's interesting that they wanted money so much, that it killed them, and in the end they didn't have enough...