Hi, the main problem of all classifieds sites it that you don't exactly know which ad si still actual. So i miss option to update my ad, put it again on the first place after certain time. I don't know how to explain it but for example after 48 hours your ad is not on the front page but your offer is still actual so you login, go to your ads and simply update it and this put your ad on the first place again and everybody will know that your item is still aviable and 30 day expiration starts again. This looks very important and useful to me.
I go totally with Flap, nice would be is OSclass mails the user to put the ad on top againa something like: you ad is now on page 3, click here to put it on top again. I see a lot of classifieds sites where a lot of fake ads are posted, and then not only by admin, so some sort of phone verification would be great. HOw i see that happen:
When the user signs up, he gets a message on its cellular and needs to type in a code send to him by sms. offcourse there will be a issue with the SMS provider, but for example Mollie.nl or targetsms.nl or even smsdiscount.com or ZONG integration.
A other feature that would be great is:
- at the sign up collect ip adres date and time in the useradmin, so when there are illegal ads, ads that require police assistance, or fraudulent ads, then those data can be send to the authoprities.
- also at every login the data ip adres, date and time should be collected, for misuse of the system.