Lo que pido a los Reyes
- All the texts need to be localized
- 4 levels for locating an item : country - region - city area - city (for example: España -catalunya -povincia de gerona - figueres)
the city-area seems not to be used. The tables are not linked like this above example. The cities from download are not good ( tried with France Table city is a mix with regions and cities in spanish language)
Proposal for tables:
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_region (pk_i_id, fk_c_country_code, s_name) VALUES
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_city_area (pk_i_id, fk_c_region_id, code, s_name) VALUES
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_city (pk_i_id, fk_c_city_area_id, s_name, `cp`, `lat`, `lon`) VALUES (cp Postal code (I think it's necessary) lat lon latitude longitude)
- Best search engine : this locating item can be usefull to find an item