This OSlclass is simply great given the simplicity to understand things.
I sincerely appreciate your team work. However, I want to take this opportunity to place a few vital suggestions which many of us would agree upon.
I think the User Control has to be PRIORITY.
i.e. to say,
there is a lot of confusion at least with me, jumping from category expiration to Advanced ad management.
1. If it is Category Expiration, and assume i make it 4days. will all the ads within that category be deleted after 4 days or Every ad gets to display for 4 days ? suppose there is somebody who has posted an ad on 1st that means his ad will expire at the end of 4th day. Right? what happens to the person who has displayed the ad on 2nd day of the month?
2. You have the option of allowing users to post say 'n' no. of ads per week and n+1 no. of ads per month. Now suppose, I select two ads per week to be allowed to be displayed for a user, then I have to make 3 ads per month for the same user as you have mentioned that means, the user is allowed to display 2 per week X 5 (weeks) that is to say will it be 10 ads per month ? or since it is only 2 per week that means every week he is permitted to post on ly 2 ads ? Please explain.
3. The listings do not show if the said item /listing is posted by registered user or Non- registered user. It would have been great if these issues are given Priority as the entire business modules work on the same. Certain additional functionalities can always wait. but this definitely needs priority so all the members can make listings paid or free for certain categories / sub categories. Hence individual ad management is a must on priority.
Thanks kindly mail me on