
Author Topic: Cathegory as button / link ?!  (Read 104 times)


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Cathegory as button / link ?!
« on: June 25, 2019, 10:42:36 pm »
Is there any possibility to make new categories but instead of ordinary category to be just buttons linking to somewhere ?!
For example I have added to one of my websites a Event saling page but the company provides only iframe code to isnert in your website. So I want a category ''Event, tickets, movies etc'' to link to that page. I am using veronica theme. Is there any way to do that ?! If there is a plugin point me to it, I couldnt find any.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 10:46:51 pm by pipetko »


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Re: Cathegory as button / link ?!
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2019, 01:55:55 pm »
Is there any possibility to make new categories but instead of ordinary category to be just buttons linking to somewhere ?!
For example I have added to one of my websites a Event saling page but the company provides only iframe code to isnert in your website. So I want a category ''Event, tickets, movies etc'' to link to that page. I am using veronica theme. Is there any way to do that ?! If there is a plugin point me to it, I couldnt find any.

Not clear as what you are after. You can create one or more static pages and embed iFrame codes for Event, tickets, movies etc. Hope this helps.



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Re: Cathegory as button / link ?!
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2019, 10:37:19 am »
Yes I know about pages. I need to make an Category, which will be actually a button when someone click on it and it will lead to the page  Ialready implemented iframe code for event tickets. I just want a button to show up in categories and to be easy to make, not to try editing the code for category slider ( which is on Veronica theme ). That is why I am asking is there a way to make a category ......never mind................