
Author Topic: Facebook Iframe Canvas Auto Resize  (Read 2049 times)


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Facebook Iframe Canvas Auto Resize
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:20:12 pm »
Hi, Anyone figure out how to set the size so that you don't have scroll bars or cut the page?
I have tried many ways shown in Facebook, forums, websites, etc.  with no luck.

How to use FB.Canvas.setAutoResize
FB.Canvas.setAutoResize() function from Facebook Javascript SDK can be used to start or stops a timer which resizes your iframe every few milliseconds.
This function is useful when we know our page will resize but don't know when it will happen. A possible scenario is a Canvas application where every page has different height due to variable size of content.

currently updating a app as seen at

any and all help is greatly appreciated.
