After many problems, as I told yesterday, I launched a brand new install, install #10
When arriving step 3 (Target) I chose Country, but I was unable to type France.
So I selected worldwide (stupid but...).
But the install program runs on itself, I' m stopped on step 3
Conclusion : install failed.
Launch install #11
...without selecting Country but worldwide : the install programm runs on itself again at step 3
Precision : Before lauching a new install, I begin to delete the database and clear all files in the main directory.
I shoud be glad to see ONE succesfull install, but I'm not sure it exists
It is ridiculous to propose 247 countries, if the new administrator has to delete 246 of them after installing the program.
It will be more useful to leave user create the countries needed for his job, in his own language !!
Then, in association, they are problems to manage regions and cities. I believe it will be more useful (and easy) to let the enduser enter the name of his city or area (we have in France more than 36000 villages and cities, it's not possible to manage this). And, in Europa, there are other countries which speak French (Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium...) how to manage this ?
You have an other problem when editing pages or items : if the only possibility is to use en _US language (why not?), don't propose other choices, it crashes the program : once edited the page disappears !!
So I'm angry because there are too many problems, too many question BUT no answers.
I spent 4 days trying to use this script, I proposes to help the community by reporting the bugs I could dscover, but I have neither answer nor solution
It's time now for me and the project I have to manage to look for an other solution.
Sorry for my bad english, but I'm sure you have understood all I had to say and explain.