RC 3.3 and the same situation in 3.2.2
If i use custom fields - i have a problem with the search. For example: one of the custom fields I attracted to the subcategory is mandatory and it can be searched . If the user selects this field to filter ( search ) , and then goes into any other category or subcategory using the directory structure (search-sidbar) - selected custom field remains in FILTRATION ! :-( And since it is bound only to a particular category or subcategory - previous filter wich was selected is not visible in the search sidebar . Correspondingly search does not work correctly . User does not even see that there is still selected filter from the previous category / subcategory . I understand that i can attach all filters to all categories , but then I will hang 25-30 filters ( custom fields ) in the search sidebar , and this is not acceptable . The question is: - How to make the sidebar script (search-sidbar.php) reset previously applied filters from the other categories / subcategories in the moment when the user selects the next ( other ) category / subcategory .
Using 3.2.2 from the official site
3.3 RC 2 - not fixed