I vaguely remember this was asked by you before? I disagree about geo section being neglected, on the contrary, many new countries were added "lately" (by "lately" I mean in the past year or so), and as teseo spotlessly explained above, it is managed by Osclass Team. They use publicly available (and verified) sources of places, because they cannot really check them manually by themselves, and as I once in the beginning asked, the ID scheme is also unknown to me (and still is, but now I can make an educated guess they either use custom or some 3rd party scheme).
You can send them via email your files if you like, but it is up to them how/if they will be used & updated.
I'm not saying there are countries missing. I said it is neglected. Not updated.
Yes, i have asked before the same thing (more-or-less) and i got no usefull replies. But in the meantime (from my old request) others also asked the very same question about not updated countries and how this could be improved. They also got no replies.
One good example was MY country that was ... what can i say ... absurd. It took me a week to create my country and then i send them to Osclass (i have no idea if they put it online or not).
An other example was France and somne other countries that had hundreds of dups. Not sure if they fixed it, i told Osclass team that at some point.
I'm pretty sure people would like to share a better version of their own country. So maybe several versions of a country could exist and the user can check them and select. For example France geo provided by userAAA, June 2017.
All in all, all i see is the usual people reply to me (you, teseo and a 1-2 others), but none of us can make this better without Osclass team.