Hi everyone,
I know that Osclass permalinks issues with nginx was discussed several times, since the first days of osclass. But the problem is still occuring for many people without a definitive solution from osclass devs.
I've tried all the suggested solution in topics from 2012 till now. And what I discovered is that some solutions may work with some themes and sometimes some pages but not others!! e.g.:
location / {try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;}
Adding this directive to my nginx virtualhost, make all my site with bender theme works except that when I click publish when adding ads, and when I click on a subcategories I get 404 error, same thing with search.
But this directive doesn't work with sakela theme (which is my main theme): 404 error for most pages and 500 error for login page!
While adding this directive, makes sakela theme work (not with bender) but still having some errors.
location / {
index index.php index.html index.htm;
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/index.php") {
header("Location: /",TRUE,301);
Current issues with this code: error 404 when accessing subcategories, clicking publish, accessing the newly added ad (after error 404), search page....
Any ideas and solutions??