First, a huge shout out of gratitude, appreciation, recognition and thank you, to the founders, admins, moderators, and everyone in the OSClass community for such an outstanding and excellent contribution that you've made in providing the OSClass code! I'm just a beginning-beginner and I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your community!
I've been reading the docs, and searched the forums but haven't found an answer yet, (sorry if I've over-looked it), but I consider it relevant enough to ask:
Question: I'm not sure if *ALL* of the below folder and files should be renamed or deleted after the initial set-up, OR, if they, or some of them, are needed later, in regards to installing updates, plug-ins and themes or modifications. (Many other applications suggest renaming or removing install files = why I ask).
Regards to: OSClass 2.3.6
Theme = Modern
System = Linux
The files & folder are:
The folder and files: /oc-includes/osclass/
And, the folder and files: /oc-includes/osclass/installer