I've been asked the address to my website through PMs and here, so here is all of the information ....
My website:
http://www.tricityauto.inI'm using Gazebo theme from o-themes.com:
http://o-themes.com/shop/gazebo-premium-osclass-theme/The problem I'm facing is that the site loads 4 CSS files, 10 JS files and 30+ css images and other images. The best solution would be to combine CSS files, JS files and put decoration images to sprites. Also, the main CSS file is around 65kb .. I don't think all of the CSS is being used, it needs to be cleaned out and I believe, the size can be reduced to half. The theme designer could/should have tweaked the CSS and combined CSS/JS files and could/should put the decoration images into sprites to make the theme load faster, I would've paid double or may be tripple to own the theme in that case. It is very very hard to find a good osclass theme that can give the site a professional look.
You can see the website load analysis by putting the site through WPA here:
http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/You can see, there are so many reds that I wish to fix and it is definitely going to take some work to fix everything. But for an experienced person, its not that tough. I'm not that experienced, its going to take me days to fix the codes/load times. This is what I have tried so far:
1. I've tried to use Minify:
http://code.google.com/p/minify/(I was able to combine 3 CSS, so there were only 2 CSS files loading which reduced the HTTP requests from 60 to 58. There is one CSS file loading from "God knows where" that I cannot combine. I tried to combine all JS files using minify but that breaks the side layout. I don't know why that happens but it is what it is).
2. I have used the cache instructions here:
http://forums.osclass.org/installation-update-help/increase-your-website-speed-on-apache-htaccess-tweak-you-could-do/(This helped in reducing the overall page size but not the http requests. Good solution and really helped in loading the pages faster).
3. I have also tried to use the Combine.php solution:
http://doc.osclass.org/Combine_.js_and_.css_files_to_make_OSClass_load_faster(Combine.php solution didn't work for me. I did everything as per the instructions but seems like after combining the CSS and JSS files, I have to remove the individual CSS and JSS links from the head.php file. BUT, I'm not sure about the Enqueue function and the register function. How should those be served? I have read, Enqueue function is to make sure a JS/CSS file loads only once, not multiple times. The register function is also important to register an enqueued CSS/JS file. I don't know which codes I should remove from the head.php file after combining CSS/JS files. Also, some JS files are loaded from the theme's JS folder but some JS files are loaded from other parts of the package. How should I include those JS files to the combine.php code? I'm lost.)
Oh well, I'm totally lost in a junk of codes and solutions to make the website load faster lol. Anyway, if anyone knows how to reduce the http requests, make the website load faster, please help me.
Thanks for your time folks!