***OBSOLETE, better solution in the post below:***
You need to slightly modify a core file, let's try this:
oc-includes\osclass\model\Category.php Line 127
public function listEnabled()
$this->dao->select( sprintf("a.*, b.*, c.i_num_items, FIELD(fk_c_locale_code, '%s') as locale_order", $this->dao->connId->real_escape_string(osc_current_user_locale()) ) );
$this->dao->from( $this->getTableName().' as a' );
$this->dao->join(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_category_description as b', 'a.pk_i_id = b.fk_i_category_id', 'INNER');
$this->dao->join(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_category_stats as c ', 'a.pk_i_id = c.fk_i_category_id', 'LEFT');
$this->dao->where("b.s_name != ''");
$this->dao->where("a.b_enabled = 1");
Add below:
$this->dao->where(sprintf("b.fk_c_locale_code = '%s'", $this->dao->connId->real_escape_string(osc_current_user_locale()) ) );
This is working for me, but I have made many modifications for my current project and don't know if something more is required,
so you tell me if it works for you and this might be considered a standard solution...
Recently I back-up my osclass and moved data to other server. I had problem with same issue.
Both solutions are OK, but the solution where need to replace whole Category.php I found not very reliable.
The waiting time has increased from 1,2 seconds to 6 seconds for pass php before it starts to send html back.
I have 2300 categories.
On ngnix all is working fine but on apache I had the problem, but as you said, there is no problem with server, but still this the question remains for me open, why on one server all working fine on other - problem with categories translation.
No any installation was done, just transfer back up to new server + import sql data....hm...
But thanks again for sharing, this one line save me life:)