
Author Topic: SOLVED - installation error - Error importSQL::ModelPayment payment/struct.sql  (Read 4825 times)


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  • Posts: 36
I get this flash when installing the plugin:

Error importSQL::ModelPayment

Using latest osclass 3.3.2 with "italia" theme
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 07:48:07 pm by DrLightman »


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  • Posts: 36
it seems tables were created first time, so the next times it fails and gives that error. but I don't understand why if tables were created, plugin is not active.


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  • Posts: 36
ok maybe i understand what happened.

i think it crashed during the installation because it made a select all from items table, but since I come from an old site which held 115k ads and i imported them all at once into osclass, the plugin made a select all of all those ads and only managed to create 65k entries in the payments_publish table. so it either crashed for memory consumption or execution time out, i got to check that.

maybe the install procedure should be optimized to take into consideration the case of sites holding a lot of classifieds.


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Ok I fixed by disabling the code that performs the oc_t_payment_publish population, installed the plugin and making the population myself executing this single query from mysql command line on ssh ( maybe it should be adopted into the plugin itself? it looks even more optimized, never used myself also this kind of mass insert before :) )

insert into oc_t_payments_publish (fk_i_item_id,dt_date,b_paid,s_keyword,fk_i_payment_id)
select pk_i_id, now(), 1, null, null from oc_t_item order by pk_i_id asc;


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  • Posts: 12
I have this problem to, what I need to do to solve this error???


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Solved! Delete all tables for payments and install the plugin again.


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can anyone provideo step by step instruction on how to do it


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Me too facing the same error.

I go this error at first - Plugin couldn't be installed because it triggered a fatal error

I tried to install it again and got the error - Plugin couldn't be installed because of: Error importSQL::ModelPaymentPro

I searched for the forums and deleted the tables of the plugin and tried a fresh install. But nothing helps. Any one got any work around?


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  • Posts: 33
Same problem here. Just bought that plugin but no way to get it installed.

"Plugin couldn't be installed because of: Error importSQL::ModelPaymentPro"


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  • Posts: 9, 2018 may

same problems, not fixed yet, no answer to my tickets from support team


  • Jr. Member
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I had this problem and after downgrading php version problem solved.
maybe some codes can not good properly with higher versions php.

for example you must downgrade: 7.2--> 5.6
or 5.6 --> 5.2


  • Guest
I had this problem and after downgrading php version problem solved.
maybe some codes can not good properly with higher versions php.

for example you must downgrade: 7.2--> 5.6
or 5.6 --> 5.2

Please do not give such bad advice.

Osclass works great with 7.0.x and 5.6.x

PHP 5.2 is dead and burried.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 03:52:04 pm by Aficionado »


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 96
I had this problem and after downgrading php version problem solved.
maybe some codes can not good properly with higher versions php.

for example you must downgrade: 7.2--> 5.6
or 5.6 --> 5.2

Please do not give such bad advice.

Osclass works great with 7.0.x and 5.6.x

PHP 5.2 is dead and burried.
some plugins has problem with some version of php.
I had this topic error and see several topics and act all advice but problem not solved.
after downgrading php 7.2 to php 5.6 problem solved.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 05:29:18 pm by abc500x500 »