I had a problem and by solving this problem, I discovered something very interesting...
The whole issue is presented there:
http://forums.osclass.org/themes-26/how-to-replace-deafault-profile-avatar-in-osclasswizards-theme/But here I present short explanation once again:
I use OsclassWizards theme. This one use a Gravatars CDN. So, when I click on the user profile photo, to open it in a new tab, it opens with such an address:
i1.wp.com/(DOMAIN-OF-MY-SITE)/oc-content/themes/osclasswizards/images/default.gifI discovered this, because I wanted to replace default.gif file by FTP and it didn't work. The file wasn't updated on the CDN host. But, when I did change a code line like this:
<figure><img class="img-responsive" src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/<?php echo md5( strtolower( trim( osc_user_email() ) ) ); ?>?s=400&d=<?php echo osc_current_web_theme_url('images/default.gif') ; ?>" /></figure>
<figure><img class="img-responsive" src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/<?php echo md5( strtolower( trim( osc_user_email() ) ) ); ?>?s=400&d=<?php echo osc_current_web_theme_url('images/new.gif') ; ?>" /></figure>
And I have uploaded by FTP a new file, "new.gif", on my server to the folder:
/oc-content/themes/osclasswizards/images/A CDN now use a new avatar: "new.gif" automatic:
i1.wp.com/(DOMAIN-OF-MY-SITE)/oc-content/themes/osclasswizards/images/new.gifWhich mean that it can be use to others pictures, right? Why not use it to all ads' pictures? But how? Does anyone know, how to modify and which files of OSClass to make it happen? Maybe someone will write (a FREE) plugin? I am a newbe and I can't do it by myself. But it remains me, that wordpress got a default option like that which can be turned on and I guess the OsclassWizards creators used that with their themes pictures. Right? So, can we do that? Anyone...?
Best regards!