
Author Topic: ad importer hangs with a Exception  (Read 1531 times)


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ad importer hangs with a Exception
« on: January 13, 2014, 11:23:47 pm »
Hi all,
I have installed the ad importer and i have a demo xml with a lot of ads.
I can upload ads correctly, but in some cases, the process hangs with no error in front, but in the back i can see:

[Mon Jan 13 15:07:05 2014] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message '/html/localhost/srv/osclass/oc-content/downloads/adimporterimage_1389643621 does not exist!' in /html/localhost/srv/osclass.3.3.2/oc-includes/osclass/classes/ImageResizer.php:43\nStack trace:\n#0 /html/localhost/srv/osclass.3.3.2/oc-includes/osclass/classes/ImageResizer.php(28): ImageResizer->__construct('/html/local...')\n#1 /html/localhost/srv/osclass.3.3.2/oc-includes/osclass/ItemActions.php(1370): ImageResizer::fromFile('/html/local...')\n#2 /html/localhost/srv/osclass.3.3.2/oc-includes/osclass/ItemActions.php(233): ItemActions->uploadItemResources(Array, 11)\n#3 /html/localhost/srv/osclass.3.3.2/oc-content/plugins/importer/index.php(215): ItemActions->add()\n#4 /html/localhost/srv/osclass.3.3.2/oc-content/plugins/importer/index.php(72): adimporter_ad(Object(DOMElement), Array, Array)\n#5 /html/localhost/srv/osclass.3.3.2/oc-content/plugins/importer/ajax.php(17): adimporter in /html/localhost/srv//osclass.3.3.2/oc-includes/osclass/classes/ImageResizer.php on line 43, referer: http://localhost/srv/osclass/oc-admin/index.php

The ad look like good, but it has only a few images depends of the number of images has it.

This is a fresh installation with no extra plugins. Some ads were importer correctly, but.. suddenly one stop the process. There are no timeout problems so the error comes inmediatly

Can you help me?



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Re: ad importer hangs with a Exception
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 11:53:39 pm »
I just read the "warning label" on that plugin, it says your xml must be pristine for it to work.


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Re: ad importer hangs with a Exception
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 12:32:17 am »
Some time ago I "attempted" to help a real estate office to use this plugin. It is very, VERY touchy. As Design said -  The xml better be perfect or it will hang.


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Re: ad importer hangs with a Exception
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2014, 04:32:15 pm »
Right, but if the xml contains an error / missing value or wrong value this should be logged!  :o

Sorry but people making plugins should think about logging especially when it concerns cron-like jobs.
Importing ads using XML is greatly valued for you can easily port ads between sites and possible customers using your board for posting ads weekly for example. Mistakes are ok but it should be made clear where the XML goes wrong so things can be improved on the fly making sure imports are being done using all ads except those containing errors and not just stop the whole import (if that was the case).

Just my 2 cts.